Whenever we put up information on alternative
treatments that have not been properly/Scientifically tested, we receive
a few angry emails.
In too many cases,where cancer re-emerges,cancers that were supposed to have been cured. Scientists speculate that the body has natural anticancer control mechanisms that may diminish with age and exposure to physical and emotional stress factors. It is thus important for cancer patients to be vigilant in maintaining an inhospitable environment for cancer cells to propagate and protecting against age-associated immune dysfunction. |
Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg 60t SN 0395 $24.05
Beta Carotene SN0403 $14.44
beta glucan 30t SN1758 $31.11
Bromelain 600Gdu-Gm 500mg 60T SN0906 $13.23
EllargicActive 30 SN1629 $23.11
Essential Enzymes 60c SN0659 $14.85
Essential Fatty Acids 60 SN1384 $19.13
Essential Fatty Acids 120 SN1385 $29.72
Feverfew 100t SN 0209 $19.13
Graviola $25.07
Inositol Hex 100gr SN1366 $19.52
Inositol Hex 200gr SN 1367 $30.11
Cordyceps 60t PF0432 $15.56
L- Arginine 100t SN 1279 $16.68
L- Arginine 200t SN1688 $24.41
Life Force 60t SN765 $29.95
L-Lysine 500mg 100T SN0139 $12.58
L-Selenomethionine 60T SN0922 $12.58
Lycopene 15mg 30sg SN1290 $21.98
Modified Citrus Pectin pwd 100gr SN $34.19
Modified Citrus Pectin pwd 200gr SN0702 $56.19
MSM 60t 1000mg SN1288 $15.09
NAC 100t 1000mg SN0169 $24.83
NAC 100t 600mg SN0850 $17.84
NAC 200t 600mg SN0967 $26.31
NAC 200t 1000mg SN0170 $39.89
Niacin 100mg 100T SN0501 $10.70
Optizinc Zinc Monomthn 30mg 60T SN0847 $11.37
Potasium Iodide 32.5mg 60t SN1623 $14.83
Potassium Chelated 99mg 100T SN0320 $12.06
Quercetin 100t SN1690 $35.90
Quercetin 50t SN1689 $22.42
Co -Q10 100mg 60c
SN0875 $48.39
Resveratrol 60t 500mg SN1011 $32.36
Resveratrol 30t 500mg SN1010 $21.08
Saw Palmetto Extract 160mg 60sg SN0441 $16.25
Theanine Serene 60t SN1775 $19.52
Thymus Extract 20t SN1519 $48.04
Tonalin 60 SN0949 $22.39
Tonalin 90 SN1537 $27.67
Transfer Factor SN1815 $16.32
Tumeric Extract 95% Curcim 100t SN0089 $23.42
Tumeric Extract 95% Curcim 50t SN0088 $19.87
Vit A 200t SN 1792 $14.96
Vit A 100t SN0828 $10.69
Vit C 16oz SN0092 $30.98
VIT D 100t SN1791 $11.37
VIT D 200t SN1792 $14.09
Vit E Succinate 400iu 100T SNO482 $20.88
Vit K 100t SN1449 $12.41
Vit K 200t SN1450 $16.26
Wellness Formula 45T SN0021 $21.08
Ginger PF0417 $19.83
SN 0395 |
$NZ24.05 |
Aprox$US16.59 |
SN0403 |
$14.44 |
$9.96 |
SN1758 |
$31.11 |
$21.47 |
SN0906 |
$13.23 |
$9.13 |
SN1629 |
$23.11 |
$15.95 |
Essential Enzymes 60c |
SN0659 |
$14.85 |
$10.25 |
SN1384 |
$19.13 |
$13.20 |
SN1385 |
$29.72 |
$20.51 |
SN 0209 |
$19.13 |
$13.20 |
$25.07 |
$17.30 |
SN1366 |
$19.52 |
$13.47 |
SN 1367 |
$30.11 |
$20.78 |
PF0432 |
$15.56 |
$10.74 |
SN 1279 |
$16.68 |
$11.51 |
SN1688 |
$24.41 |
$16.84 |
SN765 |
$29.95 |
$20.67 |
L-Lysine 500mg 100T |
SN0139 |
$12.58 |
$8.68 |
SN0922 |
$12.58 |
$8.68 |
SN1290 |
$21.98 |
$15.17 |
SN |
$34.19 |
$23.59 |
SN0702 |
$56.19 |
$38.77 |
MSM 60t 1000mg |
SN1288 |
$15.09 |
$10.41 |
SN0169 |
$24.83 |
$17.13 |
SN0850 |
$17.84 |
$12.31 |
SN0967 |
$26.31 |
$18.15 |
SN0170 |
$39.89 |
$27.52 |
SN0501 |
$10.70 |
$7.38 |
SN0847 |
$11.37 |
$7.85 |
SN1623 |
$14.83 |
$10.23 |
SN0320 |
$12.06 |
$8.32 |
SN1690 |
$35.90 |
$24.77 |
SN1689 |
$22.42 |
$15.47 |
SN0875 |
$48.39 |
$33.39 |
SN1011 |
$32.36 |
$22.33 |
SN1010 |
$21.08 |
$14.55 |
SN0441 |
$16.25 |
$11.21 |
SN1775 |
$19.52 |
$13.47 |
$0.00 |
Thymus Extract 20t |
SN1519 |
$48.04 |
$33.15 |
$0.00 |
SN0949 |
$22.39 |
$15.45 |
$0.00 |
SN1537 |
$27.67 |
$19.09 |
$0.00 |
SN1815 |
$16.32 |
$11.26 |
Tumeric Extract 95% Curcim 100t |
SN0089 |
$23.42 |
$16.16 |
Tumeric Extract 95% Curcim 50t |
SN0088 |
$19.87 |
$13.71 |
SN 1792 |
$14.96 |
$10.32 |
SN0828 |
$10.69 |
$7.38 |
SN0092 |
$30.98 |
$21.38 |
SN1791 |
$11.37 |
$7.85 |
SN1792 |
$14.09 |
$9.72 |
SNO482 |
$20.88 |
$14.41 |
SN1449 |
$12.41 |
$8.56 |
SN1450 |
$16.26 |
$11.22 |
SN0021 |
$21.08 |
$14.55 |
Ginger PF0417 |
PF0417 |
$19.83 |
$13.68 |
the Nutrition Institute of America
Cancer cells hide after Chemotherapy
and Radiation After the initial doses of radiation and/or chemotherapy, cancer cells start hiding. " They develop a slime coating, and they become like Stealth bombers, and they can hide from future doses of radiation and chemotherapy. This is why repeated dose of radiation and chemotherapy become less effective".Dr. John Maras, Nu-Gen Educational Library. " The way to get rid of this "slime coating" is to use large doses of plant and animal enzymes- especially bromelain and pancreatin. This allows an 'access point' for the immune system to attack the cancer cells".....Dr. John Maras, Nu-Gen Educational Library What doctors say about Chemo Therapy ? |
"The world is a dangerous
place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of
the people who don't do anything about it." Albert Einstein A Sad day for Alternative healing ![]() |
![]() |
NOTICE: Due to FDA TGA MOH (plus other institutions with a vestige interest) regulations and various state laws, no medical claims can be made for alternative therapys and technology. All of the information expressed herein must be considered theoretical and unproven and for experimental research only | ![]() |
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