Alternative Health Tutor

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
- Thomas Edison




Hello and welcome to Alternative health and healing, Sadly The web page authors after 37 years of working with alternative health and alternative Cancer protocols are not allowed to endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the alternative health information here. We do however publish weekly newsletters revealing, new alternative healing tools, upto date articles and alternative heath tips.

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Alternative Health Tutor
Do We Need More Than Medicine to Heal?

The healing power of nature.

For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
But today well spent, makes every yesterday,
a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope

When the Allopathic and the Natropathic work
Together with ONE Goal
"The Curing of Cancer, the Reduction of Human Suffering"
Then we will see such wonders...

The ultimate goal of the practitioner is prevention, accomplished through education and promotion of life-habits that create good health. The emphasis is on building health rather than on fighting disease.

Alternative Health and healing can be described as any method of healing outside of traditional Western Medicine. This includes medical practices in other countries, such as Herbology in Germany and Acupuncture in China. Although in the countries of origin these practices are considered valid methods of healing, they are not yet fully accepted by Western Medicine.

There are several alternative and complementary approaches that have shown promise in supporting conventional tumor treatment or improving quality of life for patients. While these approaches may not claim to cure tumors on their own, they may play a supportive role in tumore care. Here are some examples of alternative Tumor use that has reported by many clients:

Alternative Tumor Reaserch

Certainly! There are several alternative and complementary approaches that have shown promise in supporting conventional cancer treatment or improving quality of life for cancer patients. While these approaches may not cure cancer on their own, they can play a supportive role in cancer care. Here are some examples of alternative cancer research that has shown promise: Alternative Tumor Reaserch click here

Rife Machines and Tumors

Rife machines are devices that emit electromagnetic frequencies in an attempt to treat various medical conditions, including cancer. The idea behind Rife therapy is based on the work of Royal Raymond Rife, a self-taught inventor who claimed that he could destroy cancer cells by exposing them to specific frequencies. Rife Machines and Tumors click here


Multiwave Oscillator and Tumors

The Multiwave Oscillator (MWO) is a device developed by Georges Lakhovsky in the 1920s. Lakhovsky proposed that living cells emit and receive electromagnetic radiation and that disease results from an imbalance in these frequencies. He believed that by exposing the body to a range of electromagnetic frequencies, he could restore this balance and promote healing. Multiwave Oscillator and Tumors click here

Cancer Before It's Too Late

Remember that every cancer journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. By working closely with your healthcare team and making informed decisions, you can maximize your chances of successful treatment and recovery.

Maintaining a positive outlook can help you cope with the challenges of cancer treatment. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members, and don't hesitate to seek support

The first clinical work on cancer was completed under the supervision of Dr. Milbank Johnson, M.D. which was set up under the special medical Research Committee of the University of Southern California. Sixteen cases were treated at the clinic for many types of malignancy. After 3 months, 14 of these so-called hopeless cases were signed off as clinically cured by the staff of five medical doctors and Dr. Alvin G. Foord, M.D., Pathologist for the group. The treatment consisted of 3 minutes duration using the frequency instrument which was set on the mortal oscillatory rate for "BX" or cancer (at 3 day intervals). It was found that the elapsed time between treatments attains better results than cases treated daily. This gives the lymphatic system an opportunity to absorb and cast off a toxic condition which is produced by the devitalized dead particles of the "BX" or cancer virus. No rise of body temperature was perceptible in any of these cases above normal during or after the frequency instrument treatment. No special diets were used in any of this clinical work, but we sincerely believe that a proper diet compiled for the individual would be of benefit.

All you ever wanted to know about   Rife Machines

Shattering Viruses, Parasites Tumors and SP's with resonant frequencies:? Click here

"In 1920 Royal Rife first identified the human cancer virus using the world’s most powerful microscope. After identifying and isolating the virus, he decided to culture it on salted pork. At the time this was a very good method for culturing a virus.
Many clients have asked for information on the frequencies for Spike protiens. We found aprox 50. 3 were in the low hz range and the rest were a set of frequencies that ramped from 31-37 megahertz MHZ(very high frequencies) The Hoyland system in our RifePro packages will allow you to Ramp all these frequencies Automatically listen to this adjustments needed
Notes on SPs Spike proteins

All you ever wanted to know about 
Lakhovsky MWO

What is an MWO (Article at a glance)

In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of the Multiwave Oscillator (MWO), a device that has gained attention for its potential health benefits and unique approach to wellness.

What is the Multiwave Oscillator (MWO)? (More detailed details below)

The Multiwave Oscillator is a device originally developed by the genius inventor Nikola Tesla and further refined by the French engineer Georges Lakhovsky in the 1920s and 1930s. Lakhovsky's work with the MWO was based on his theory that cells possess frequencies and that disease is the result of cells vibrating out of harmony. He believed that by exposing the body to a range of electromagnetic frequencies, the cells could be brought back into harmony, thus promoting health and well-being. Click here for more information

All you ever wanted to know about Ozone

Through the action of lightning, nature produces ozone which has a purifying effect on our air. Ozone has a proven oxidizing, antiseptic and germicidal effect and has been used for these purposes for many years. Ozone (03) is electrified oxygen (O2) regardless of the technique used to manufacture it and is sometimes called triatomic, or polymeric oxygen. It is an allotropic form of oxygen and is the most active state is oxygen.
" Many scientists were stunned recently when it was revealed that air bubbles trapped in fossilized amber had been analyzed and found to contain oxygen levels of 38%. Yet today it is well known that the average oxygen content of air is only about 19%. In other words, since the early history of the earth, it appears there has been an estimated 50% drop in the average oxygen content of air we breathe!" Your bodies Oxygen levels Read more here

All you ever wanted to know about
Colloidal Silver

A declining pipeline of clinically useful antibiotics has made it imperative to develop more effective antimicrobial therapies, particularly against difficult-to-treat Gram-negative pathogens. Silver has been used as an antimicrobial since antiquity, yet its mechanism of action remains unclear. We show that silver disrupts multiple bacterial cellular processes, including disulfide bond formation, metabolism, and iron homeostasis. Source



Hydrogen water revisited

How Hydrogen works in the body

Hydrogen Alkaline Water Benchtop Unit

Hydrogen Pro 2

The body has the inherent ability to establish, maintain and restore health. The physician's role is to facilitate and augment this process, to act to identify and remove obstacles to health and recovery.

Identify and treat the cause.
Underlying causes of disease must be treated before a person can recover. Symptoms are expressions of the body's attempt to heal, and should not be suppressed by treatment. The physician must evaluate underlying causes on all levels, treating causes rather than symptoms.

Arthritis Diabetes Heart Dis-ease

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Treat the whole person.
Health and disease are conditions of the entire organism, involving a complex interaction of physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, and social factors. The physician must treat the whole person by taking all of these factors into account.

Childhood Cancers Main Cancer page
Bone cancer Clinical Trials
Breast cancer    
Brain cancer

Gall bladder Cancer

Lung Cancer Prostrate cancer
  Information about risk, prevention, screening, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and support for all cancers

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer Survivors - Cancer Survivors

 Asthma Angina Anemia
Artherosclerosis Bronchitis Confronting
Cognitive Dysfunction    

First do no harm.
Illness is a purposeful process of the organism. Symptoms are an expression of the life force attempting to heal itself. The physician's treatment must support the healing power of nature and therapy must be congruent with the internal order of the organism.

Morgellons multiplesclerosis
Illness and Stress Pain  Sleep
Stress   The Immune System
Homemade Remedies    
Detox Acid Alkaline  
    Why should I be tested for hepatitis B?

Physician as teacher.
A cooperative doctor-patient relationship is, in itself, therapeutic. The physicianÕs major role is to educate and encourage the patient to take responsibility for health, and to be a catalyst for healthful change. It is the patient, not the doctor, who ultimately creates or accomplishes healing.


Hulda Clarke
Sweet Misery - The aspartame conspiracy
Vaccination - The Hidden Truth
Animal Protein (meat and dairy) causes cancer
Supressed Medical Discovery
The fluoride deception - Our deadly water
Selling Sickness
Is milk unhealthy and does it cause many diseases
Radiation Roulette
Prescription for Disaster
First and foremost, it is our hope that the information contained in these pages may make some contribution, however small, towards a reduction in Human suffering from Dis-ease and Illness

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Alternative Health


"But just what do we mean by “balance” A “balanced” state of health means that the internal mechanisms governing our awareness, our behavior, and our physiological functions are coordinated in such a way as to maintain a healthy state within the body and mind at all times"

Modern society is fostering poor health in many ways, but simple, natural methods can be used to counteract negative effects and significantly improve health and vitality. Preventive medicine is the key to a long and healthy life, filled with vitality.

Many people are suffering from uncomfortable conditions such as stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression, insomnia, and weight problems which can be corrected in simple and natural ways, without resorting to drugs or unnatural diets. Source

When the Allopathic and the Natropathic work Together with ONE Goal for " The Curing of Cancer, and the Reduction of Human Suffering" Then we will see such wonders.. 


Inflammation is the body's attempt at self-protection; the aim being to remove harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens - and begin the healing process. When something harmful or irritating affects a part of our body, there is a biological response to try to remove it, the signs and symptoms of inflammation, specifically acute inflammation, show that the body is trying to heal itself.

Many experts now see inflammation as arising from an immune system response that is out of control. When you catch a cold or sprain your ankle, your immune system switches into gear. Infection or injury trigger a chain of events called the inflammatory cascade. The familiar signs of normal inflammation — heat, pain, redness, and swelling — are the first signals that your immune system is being called into action. Source


What are parasites?
Parasites are organisms that derive nourishment and protection from other living organisms known as hosts. They may be transmitted from animals to humans, from humans to humans, or from humans to animals. Several parasites have emerged as significant causes of foodborne and waterborne illness. These organisms live and reproduce within the tissues and organs of infected human and animal hosts, and are often excreted in feces.
Parasites and Fungi

How parasites effect the heart
How parasites effect the Eyes
How parasites effect the Liver
How parasites effect the Brain
How parasites effect the Immune systen

Immune Ststem




"Homeopathy is a highly developed health practice that uses a systematic approach to the totality of a person’s health. Anyone seeking a fuller understanding of health and healing will find Homeopathy extremely important and applicable." Gay Gaer Luce. Ph.D. , (science writer - twice winner of the national science writer's award)




What Kind of Health Disorders Does Radionics Handle?

Let us begin by correcting one misconception here. A radionic practitioner doesn't treat any health condition. To treat, you must diagnose. And to diagnose means, giving a label that meets certain rigid parameters based on what can be measured or quantified in the physical laboratory.

Radionic practitioners work on the premises that all diseases and health disorders, irrespective of what names or labels are attached to them, boil down to one imbalances. The names or the diagnoses we give to them only reflect the locations and the effects of these energy imbalances on the overall body system.

If we could detect and correct these energy imbalances, wellness will be restored to the sufferer. This will happen no matter what names were given to the manifested clinical signs and symptoms in the first case. Radionics seeks to do just this...restore balance.... and it does it marvelously. Radionics systems here







Rife pro option

The worlds most advanved multi purpose Fully Automatic Rife/Hoyland System here

Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.

More information click here



PEMF Pulser combo

Very powerful 6500-7000 gauss magnetic pulser
Bob beck type blood zapper
Colloidal silver generator




Alternative health

"The person who says it cannot be done
should not interrupt the person doing it."
Chinese Proverb

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NOTICE: Due to FDA TGA MOH (plus other institutions with a vestige interest) regulations and various state laws, no medical claims can be made for alternative therapys and technology. All of the information expressed herein must be considered theoretical and unproven and for experimental research only


Alternative Health ltd


The web page authors after 35 years of working with alternative health and alternative Cancer protocols are not allowed to endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the alternative health information, content or guidelines (collectively, the "Materials") contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from these links. You hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any Materials from alternative health shall be at your sole risk.

FDA TGA MOH (plus other institutions with a vestige interest) has not evaluated any of the statements contained on this web site(as far as we know). The information contained in these Articles is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Remember each person’s body is different and will react differently to various herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements. Therefore, any supplementation must be administered on an individual basis. Use the information found on this web site as precisely that: Information. You and your doctor must make any final decisions. This information is not meant to replace any doctor and patient consultation. This information should in no way replace your personal physician’s advice.

The publisher does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information or the consequences arising from the application, use, or misuse of any of the information contained herein, including any injury and/or damage to any person or property as a matter of product liability, negligence, or otherwise. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made in regard to the contents of this material. No claims or endorsements are made for any drugs or compounds currently marketed or in investigative use. This material is not intended as a guide to self-medication. The reader is advised to discuss the information provided here with a doctor, pharmacist, nurse, or other authorized healthcare practitioner and to check product information (including package inserts) regarding dosage, precautions, warnings, interactions, and contraindications before administering any drug, herb, supplement,or tool discussed herein...

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