Revolutionary Technology Transforming Lives? Here is a Revolutionary innovative device that has been making waves across various alternative healing platforms. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, this device has been engineered to deliver exceptional results. Discover a 20th century Leap in a well proven Technology:  
Targeted treatment of cancer with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: An Article from PubMed Central-NIH National Library of Medicine on Targeted treatment of cancer with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies  

Multiwave oscilllator Healing Cancer With Ultra Radio Frequencies

Lakhovsy MultiWave Oscillator Healing Cancer With Ultra Radio Frequencies

Cancer And The Poisons In Our Food: Pesticide residues in Australia and New Zealand. A growing body of evidence is pointing strongly towards the pesticide residues in our daily diet as being the prime cause of the high rates of cancer in both Australia and New Zealand.  
Bras and Breast Cancer: ras and Breast Cancer
by Ralph L. Reed, Ph.D.
Although I am an environmental chemist (Ph.D in biochemistry), I have been doing a lot of literature research on breast cancer since I saw an article on the National Library of Medicine database over a year ago. That article documented an increase in breast cancer rates between women who do wear bras versus those that do not.
The Cancer Empire Strikes Back: In the United States, the government says the drug is useless and blocks dying patients' access to it. In Russia, where the same American-developed drug, hydrazine sulfate, is approved for general use against even the worst cases of cancer, a new report says it saved the lives of 56 brain-tumor patients after all other treatments had utterly failed. "What," you are probably asking yourself, "is going on here?" The answer is simple.  

Cancer Research - A Super Fraud? Cancer Research - A Super Fraud? by Robert Ryan, B.Sc. "Everyone should know that most Cancer research is largely a fraud and that the major Cancer

Breast cancer - An Australian Senate discussion Paper: An Australian Senate discussion Paper, 27 October 1997 (published in Hansard) Don Maisch EMFacts Consultancy.
According to recent statistics, breast cancer in Australia effects one in 14 women, kills one in 27 and is increasing at a rate of 3% annually. These figures reflect a growing community concern and as a consequence, in 1995 the Federal Government allocated $3 million over a 3 year period, solely for breast cancer studies.
Cancer and the immune system: Alternative Healing - Electro-Medicine, Ozone Therapy, Nutritional Therapies, Colloidal Silver, etc. Alternatives for new emerging diseases & biological attack through immunity boosting.  
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Cancer: Dr. C.K. Chou, an American cancer researcher and his colleagues have found that these same microcurrents alter the pH of the cancer cell and alter its DNA so that it cannot reproduce. cancer & Chemotherapy Effect of  
Candida Responsible for Cncer: Cancer is a fungus For about 100 years, the fundamental theory behind Cancer has been based on the hypothesis that it is a malfunctioning of the genes. This point of view implies  
How PEMF effects Cancer Cells: Cancer Cells, Through thousands of clinical experiments, it has been proven that magnetic therapy is safe, non-addictive, and there are no known harmful exposure levels.  
Ozone Selectively Inhibits Growth of Human Cancer Cells
From Science magazine Vol. 209, 22 Aug 1980, pp. 931-933

The growth of human cancer cells from lung, breast, and uterine tumors was selectively inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by ozone at 0.3 to 0.8 part per million of ozone in ambient air during 8 days of culture. Human lung diploid fibroblasts served as noncancerous control cells.

Cancer Rates Could Rise 50 Percent by 2020: Global rates of cancer could rise 50 percent to 15 million new cases a year by 2020, but one-third can be cured and another third prevented by curbing infections and through lifestyle changes, experts said on Thursday. Once considered a largely "Western" disease, cancer now affects and kills more people in the developing world than in industrialized nations. In many countries it accounts for more than a quarter of all deaths.  
EMF ettects on Cancer: In 1992 the European Parliament passed resolution B3-0280/92 which included in part:
“ E: whereas the results of many in vivo and in vitro studies show increasingly clearly that the interaction mechanisms underlying such disorders and diseases [cancer, nervous disorders and circadian rhythm changes], centred mainly in the cell membrane, lead to disruption of melatonin secretions, ornithine decarboxylase activity and T-lymphocyte efficacy, testify to the probable role of non-ionizing radiation in promoting cancer,
Means and Methods for eliminating Dis-ease and cancer: The complete process is described here in detail to allow anyone to successfully achieve recoveries and insure that the currently proven methods will never again be "lost" or suppressed  
Cancer and Melatonin The NIH study spurred other scientists to look more closely at melatonin as an anticancer agent. Several researchers undertook to investigate whether melatonin could impede the growth of breast cancer tumors. In one study, researchers found that blind women who typically have higher levels of melatonin than normal, have a lower risk of developing breast cancer. Another study,  


History of the Development of a Successful Treatment for Cancer, and Other Virus, Bacteria and Fungi


Before my discovery of the cause of cancer and other diseases, I had sought to find such evidence with standard Research microscopes. I observed all types of malignant tissue to find some trace of the cause. I felt that the start of malignancy would be originated by some type of micro-organism


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