Signs and Symptoms
What Causes It?
What to Expect at Your Provider's Office
Treatment Options
Drug Therapies
Surgical and Other Procedures
Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Following Up
Special Considerations
Supporting Research.
Anemia is characterized by a deficiency in red blood cells or
in the concentration of hemoglobin (iron-containing portions of
red blood cells). These deficiencies are caused by either decreased
production or increased destruction of red blood cells. Anemia
is most common among women in their reproductive years (5.8 percent),
infants (5.7 percent), and the elderly (12 percent). Because one
of the major functions of red blood cells is to transport oxygen,
a decrease in red blood cells decreases the amount of oxygen delivered
to the body's tissues, which results in the symptoms of anemia.
Signs and Symptoms
There is tremendous variability among individuals as to when the
following symptoms of anemia develop.
Shortness of breath
Heart palpitations and chest pain
What Causes It?
Anemia may have the following causes.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, or other vitamin deficiencies
Certain chronic conditions
Gastrointestinal blood loss (caused by ulcers, cancer, parasites)
Genitourinary blood loss (such as from heavy menstruation)
Excessive blood loss (after surgery or regular blood donations)
Excessive alcohol or drug use
Malabsorption syndromes (for example, celiac disease)
Congenital diseases (for example, sickle-cell anemia)
What to Expect at Your Provider's Office
Anemia is often the result of an underlying disease. Laboratory
tests to examine your blood will be ordered. If you are anemic,
your health care provider will determine the cause in order to
begin treatment.
Treatment Options
Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the anemia. Because
anemia is often the result of nutritional deficiencies, your health
care provider can help you outline a diet that contains all of
the nutrients you need for healthy blood formation such as vitamin
B12, iron, and folic acid. If your anemia is the result of an underlying
disease, that disease must first be successfully treated.
Drug Therapies
Erythropoietin plus ironfor anemia caused by chronic kidney failure
Corticosteroid medications (such as prednisone)
Immunosuppressant medications (such as azathioprine)
Pain relievers (analgesics)for sickle-cell anemia
Surgical and Other Procedures
Removal of the spleen (splenectomy)may be necessary in cases of
hereditary spherocytosis
Transfusionsmay help treat certain types of anemia, such as sickle-cell
Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Most cases of anemia will respond well to nutritional therapy.
Note that excess iron is toxic and you should not take supplements
unless lab tests indicate iron deficiency and your health care
provider recommends them. Herbal and nutritional treatments may
be helpful when used along with medical treatment.
Nutrition Ferrous fumerate, glycerate, or glycinate (100
mg per day for three to six months) are the most absorbable forms
of iron. Ferrous sulfate (325 mg per day) is poorly absorbed and
more frequently causes problems with gastrointestinal upset and
constipation. Dietary sources of iron include meat, beans, green
leafy vegetables, beet greens, blackstrap molasses, almonds, and
brewer's yeast.
Vitamin C250 to 500 mg twice a day to aid in absorption of iron.
Vitamin B12cyanocobalamine, 1,000 IU via injection twice a day for
one week, then weekly for a month, then every two to three months. Dietary sources
include organ meats, meats, eggs, fish, and cheese.
Folic acid (1 to 2 mg per day)for folic acid deficiency. Good food
sources include green leafy vegetables and grains.
Omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids (1,000 to 1,500 IU) have been
shown to decrease the frequency of sickle-cell crisis. EFAs can increase clotting
times, so if you are taking anticoagulants, your health care provider will need
to check these times.
Herbs are generally a safe way to strengthen and tone the body's systems. As
with any therapy, it is important to work with your provider on getting your
problem diagnosed before you start any treatment. Herbs may be used as dried
extracts (capsules, powders, teas), glycerites (glycerine extracts), or tinctures
(alcohol extracts). Unless otherwise indicated, teas should be made with 1
tsp. herb per cup of hot water. Steep covered 5 to 10 minutes for leaf or flowers,
and 10 to 20 minutes for roots. Drink 2 to 4 cups per day. Tinctures may be
used singly or in combination as noted.
You may be treated with the following herbal therapies for one
to three months and then reassessed.
Blackstrap molasses, also known as pregnancy tea (1 tbsp. per day in a
cup of hot water), is a good source of iron, B vitamins, minerals, and is also
a very gentle laxative.
Spirulina, or blue-green algae, has been used successfully to treat both
microcytic and macrocytic anemias. Dose is 1 heaping tsp. per day.
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) root or leaf,
burdock (Arctium lappa), and yellowdock (Rumex crispus) have long been used to
fortify and cleanse the blood. For mild cases of anemia, they may help bring
levels of hemoglobin into normal range. Dosage is 1 tbsp. per cup of water. Simmer
roots for 20 minutes and leaves for 5 minutes. A single herb, or a combination
of these four herbs, may be used.
Although very few studies have examined the effectiveness of specific homeopathic
therapies, professional homeopaths may consider the following remedies for
the treatment of anemia based on their knowledge and experience. Before prescribing
a remedy, homeopaths take into account a person's constitutional type. A constitutional
type is defined as a person's physical, emotional, and psychological makeup.
An experienced homeopath assesses all of these factors when determining the
most appropriate treatment for each individual.
Ferrum phosphoricum -- for iron deficiency
Calcarea phosphorica -- particularly for children with nighttime bone
aches, cool hands and feet, lack of energy, and/or poor digestion
Following Up
Maintaining a normal balanced diet is very important if the cause of your anemia
is nutritional. Also, avoid drugs that can have adverse effects on your gastrointestinal
system and avoid excessive alcohol intake if one or both of these are the
cause of your anemia.
Special Considerations
Complications from anemia can range from loss of productivity
due to weakness and fatigue to coma and death. Some neurologic
changes caused by anemia are irreversible. Pregnant women need
three or four times as much iron as normal. A folic acid deficiency
during pregnancy can result in infants being born with neural-tube
defects, such as spina bifida.
Supporting Research
Branch WT Jr. Office Practice of Medicine. Philadelphia, Pa: WB
Saunders Company; 1994.
Carr AC, Frei B. Toward a new recommended dietary allowance for
vitamin C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans. Am
J Clin Nutr. 1999;69(6):1086-1107.
Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, et al., eds. Harrison's
Principles of Internal Medicine. 14th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill;
JAMA Patient Page. How much vitamin C do you need? JAMA. 1999;281(15):1460.
Johnston CS. Recommendations for vitamin C intake. JAMA. 1999;282(22):2118-2119.
Kelley WN, ed. Textbook of Internal Medicine. 3rd ed. Philadelphia,
Pa: Lippincott-Raven; 1997.
Levine M, Rumsey SC, Daruwala R, Park JB, Wang Y. Criteria and
recommendations for vitamin C intake. JAMA. 1999;281(15):1415-1453.
Tyler VE. The Honest Herbal: A Sensible Guide to the Use of Herbs
and Related Remedies. 3rd ed. Binghamton, NY: Pharmaceutical Products
Press; 1993.
Ullman D. The Consumer's Guide to Homeopathy. New York, NY: Penguin
Putnam; 1995:181.
Review Date
August 1999
Reviewed By
Participants in the review process include: Dahlia Hirsch, MD,
Center for Holistic Healing, BelAir, MD; Sherif H. Osman, MD, President,
Medical Staff Harford Memorial Hospital, Falston General Hospital,
Bel Air, MD; Leonard Wisneski, MD, FACP, George Washington University,
Rockville, MD.