Liver cancer

There are two main types of liver cancer: primary and secondary. Liver cancer is considered primary
if the cancerous tumors develop on the liver. Primary liver cancer is rare, accounting for just one
to two percent of malignant tumors in patients in North America. Secondary liver cancer ¾ which
is approximately 20 times more common ¾ results when cancer cells from another part of the body
(breast, lungs, etc.) spread or " metastasize " to the liver. A secondary liver tumor is often not
found until it causes symptoms.

Although the exact cause of liver cancer is unknown, several risk factors have been identified. Liver
cancer is more common among persons who consume large amounts of alcohol than among persons
who do not drink. Liver cancer occurs more frequently in persons with hepatitis B, hepatitis C,
cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), and other chronic liver ailments than in persons without those
diseases. Between 50 percent and 70 percent of all liver cancer cases in the United States are
associated with cirrhosis. Liver cancer is also more likely to strike men than women, and persons
of either sex over 40 years of age.

The symptoms of liver cancer are similar to those of other liver diseases: pain, especially in the abdominal area; unexplained weight loss; loss of appetite; pain or swelling in the upper-right abdomen; and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and the whites of eyes).

Depending on a patient ' s overall physical condition and the stage of disease when detected, a physician may recommend surgical removal of all or part of the tumor; may recommend chemotherapy to try to destroy the cancer cells or slow down its spread; or may recommend radiation treatment to try to kill the cancer cells and shrink the tumor. Each treatment option has its own risks and side effects.

Adenocarcinoma - Important Notice
One of the problems in researching this kind of cancer is that in most cases when a person has a cancer of the gland tissue, the cancer is not described as adenocarcinoma, it is described as: lung cancer (adenocarcinoma is the most common type of lung cancer, making up 30-35% of all cases), liver cancer
(liver cancer is primarily adenocarcinoma, with 2 major cell types: hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma), etc.

Do you see the problem? Cancers can be described in very broad terms, such as lung cancer or liver cancer, or in very narrow terms, such as cholangiocarcinoma. I suspect that cancers involving the gland tissue are seldom actually refered to as adenocarcinoma or adeno carcinoma.

Thus, researching this type of cancer has yielded some gaps in finding evidence for some treatment plans that are known to treat all types of cancers which have gland tissue. This means the list below is
known to be incomplete.

For example, when I did a Google search on [ liver cancer budwig ] I got 1,800 hits.
But when I did a Googe search on [ adenocarinoma budwig ] I got 27 hits.

My point is that most people who describe liver cancer forget that it is primarily an adenocarcinoma cancer. Of course, most of the Google hits are not testimonials for using the Bugwig diet for liver cancer.

Another problem is that some treatments, such as CoQ10 and aloe vera, are seldom used by themselves. They are almost always used as part of a multi-pronged treatment program. This makes it impossible to identify the contribution of each of the elements of the treatment program. This virtually mandates using scientific articles to determine whether these treatments are useful.

My point, and this is critical, in researching adenocarcinoma, a person should not only research this page, but also all of my "types of cancer" articles where the cancer may involve gland tissue, such as my liver cancer article.

I can assure the reader that all seven of the Hospice Cancer Diet treatments treat this type of cancer. But I could not find quality testimonials or scientific evidence for all seven of the treatments. In some cases, I could find scientific studies, but they were written purely in medical jargon and are not suitable for this page (partly because I don't have a clue what they are talking about).

Here are the treatments that seem to have the most evidence using the term adenocarcinoma (they are not listed in any special order).

Grape Cure
At least three of the nutrients in purple grapes, with their seeds and skin, are known to treat adenocarcinoma. These are: proanthocyanidins (Grape Seed Extract - not to be confused with Grapefruit Seed Extract), gallic acid, and quercetin. It is also known that resveratrol and ellagic acid (e.g. also in black raspberries and strawberries) treat adenocarcinoma.

First, proanthocyanidins: "The proanthocyanidins in red grape seeds have been reported to have a broad array of actions against oxidative stress. According to recent research, grape seed extract IH636 proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE) demonstrated 'significantly better free radical scavenging ability than vitamins C, E and beta-carotene and demonstrated significant cytotoxicity towards human breast, lung and gastric adenocarcinoma cells, while enhancing the growth and viability of normal cells.'"

Second, gallic acid: "The results of this study indicate that all dietary flavonoids studied (epicatechin, epigallocatechin gallate, gallic acid and quercetin-3-glucoside) show a significant antioxidant effect in a chemical model system, but only epigallocatechin gallate or gallic acid are able to interfere with the cell cycle in Caco2 cell lines."

Third, quercetin: "The researchers cite a recent epidemiological study that shows a significant inverse relation between lung cancer [human lung adenocarcinoma CL-3 cells] risk and the flavonoid quercetin found in foods such as onions and apples. Quercetin may reduce DNA damage caused by hydrogen peroxide and benzo[a]pyrene and NFkappaB binding activity. Quercetin was found to effectively suppress COX2 (cyclooxygenase-2) the activation of which has been associated with the development of
many cancers) in colon cancer cells. The results of their study demonstrated that quercetin inhibited not only cooking oil fume-induced COX2 expression but also cooking oil fume-induced CYP1A1 (cytochrome P450 1A1) transcription."

All of these studies involved adenocarcinoma. It would be wise for any adenocarcinoma patient to consider at least taking the Wortman Grap Cure, with Vitamin C, Grape Seed Extract, Grape Skin Extract and Ellagic Acid (I recommend "Ellagic Insurance Formula" because it includes Graviola) supplements.

Essaic Tea
"In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the lung with metastases to the lymph
nodes and spine ... In May, I began taking essiac tea (2-3 ounces per day). Chest X-rays in the middle
of June showed no increase in the size of the lung tumor, and a slight reduction in size of the
lymph nodules (after 4 chemo treatments). In June, I began taking Dr. Julian Whitaker's
"Forward Plus" vitamin and mineral supplements and increased my essiac tea consumption
to 2- 3 ounces each morning and evening. I also began taking vitamin CoQ-10 at 400 mg per
day, one capsule a day of Cat's Claw bark (Una de Gato) and one capsule a day of grape seed
extract with methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM). In July, (six weeks later after a total of six
chemo treatments), a CT scan showed that my liver tumor had disappeared, my lung
tumor had shrunk to 50% of its original size, my spine was healing with new healthy
tissue, and the lung lymph nodes were smaller and fewer in number. After chemo #6 I
also began taking one astragalus root capsule per day ... You know I'll be taking my vitamins,
CoQ-10, and essiac as a preventative for the rest of my life.."

One of the problems is knowing which of the supplements did the most good for this patient. He obviously gave most of the credit to his vitamins, the Essiac Tea (which he brewed himself) and CoQ-10 or CoQ10. His complete testimonial can be found at (search for: adenocarcinoma):

Noni Juice
"During my stay in the hospital, I received the shattering news: aggressive endometrial cancer. The pathology report March 5, 1999, said, 'grade 3 adenocarcinoma of the endometrium...
at least a stage IIIC tumor.' In January 1999, my friends Chuck and Carol Parker brought
me noni juice. when I was able to drink 2 ounces of noni juice, I noticed I did not need
as much pain medication. while in the hospital, my husband brought noni juice to me and
gave it to me with the doctor's permission (after all, simple fruit juice is not going to hurt),
several of the nurses surprised me when they said they also took noni juice."

For the rest of the testimonial:

Note, the recommended brand of Noni Juice is Tahitian Noni Juice and the recommended dosage is 32 ounces a day during treatment (for remission 4-8 ounces a day). That is about $40.00 a day.

Raw Food
In reading many testinomials and scientific studies on adenocarcinoma I don't think any
single treatment stood out as much as the Raw Food diet, meaning a vegetable juice based
on carrots, beets, etc. (see my Raw Food article). Both carrot juice, beta carotene and Vitamin
A were all cited independently as major factors in preventing and treating adenocarcinoma.
It should also be remembered that when a patient goes on these substances, they almost
always go on a diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts and perhaps grains. As my tutorial states,
what you don't eat is just as important as what you do eat.

"Well, it was very intensive. The first thing that my nutritionist suggested I start with was
a two-week juice fast---out with the old before in with the new. She knew 40% of all cancer
patients actually die of malnutrition. That’s what medical doctors say about their own patients.
40% of them die of malnutrition. She knew that I was starving to death. That sounds funny to
start with a fast but actually, cancer patients have a very hard time digesting their food so by
drinking fresh juices, they get the nutrients their body needs. I got myself a really good juicer.
Every hour, on the hour, I was juicing fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. I tried to find them
as much as possible organically grown, without chemicals sprayed on them. I was doing
this every hour, juicing this fresh juice, and I was getting so many nutrients because I couldn’t
have eaten a bag of carrots but I could juice them and drink it and get all the nutrients out of
them. I was doing that and detoxifying my body. Let me tell you that I was so toxic---
I think I could have glowed in the dark."

Liver Cancer
As long as a person's liver is "alive," there is good reason to be optimistic about dealing with liver cancer. The good news is that just because a person has liver cancer does not mean the liver is dead.

Liver cancer requires a two-pronged approach. First, the liver must be "detoxified," to get toxic chemicals out of the liver. Second, the cancer cells in the liver must be killed. Both approaches will be discussed in this section.

I will first go down the seven key elements of the Hospice Cancer Diet and will then discuss a few other items that a person can consider to supplement the Hospice Cancer Diet.

Note: Because liver cancer is primarily an adenocarcinoma, please read my "type of cancer" article on adeoncarcinoma.
Adenocarcinoma Article

Grape Cure
"Grapes detoxify all tissues and organs and restore organic integrity to starved cells." Of course purple grapes, with seeds and skin, contain more than a dozen cancer killing nutrients that easily get to
liver cancer cells. Of all the treatments in the Hospice Cancer Diet, only Noni Juice may work
more quickly than the grape cure.

Essaic Tea
"(Rene Caisse is the founder of Essiac Tea) [Rene] did little with the Essiac formula until 1924 when her aunt developed stomach and liver cancer. The doctors had given her aunt six months to live. Rene obtained permission from her aunt's physician, Dr. R. O. Fisher, to administer the herbal tea treatment. Rene later said, 'My aunt lived for twenty-one years after being given up by the medical profession. There was no recurrence of cancer.'"
"Rene Caisse's mother was diagnosed with liver cancer in 1935. An internationally known doctor, Roscoe Graham, informed her that her mother had just "days to live." Rene never told her mother of the cancer, but treated her with Essiac for ten days, slowly reducing the dosage. Her mother recovered completely and lived another eighteen years until her death at age ninety of heart failure."
"Although the focus on Essiac has been as a cancer treatment, it alleviated and sometimes cured many chronic and degenerative conditions because it cleanses the blood, the liver and strengthens the immune system." Note: Essaic Tea is so potent, you should follow the advice of your vendor when taking Essiac Tea for liver cancer. In other words, do not assume that "more is better."
By the way, the FTC (a blood brother of the corrupt FDA) shut down an Essiac Tea vendor in Colorado (Michael D. Miller) for telling the truth about what cancers Essiac Tea treats.

Noni Juice
"I am a general Surgeon. My specialty is Cryo Surgery of the Liver. Most of the time when I see the patient they are on the edge of dying unless the surgery works. I got the Noni Juice after speaking with and reading much about Noni sent to me by Priscilla Salazar Martnez, Steven Shields, and Colene Allen, LMT. Whatever it takes, I want my patients to have a chance for healing. One patient had Prostate Cancer, NO MORE. One had Liver Cancer, NO MORE. Three were at the end, but the pain was helped by Noni Juice so that they were and are coherent without heavy drugs. All this is less than eight weeks. I am really going to keep working with this Juice and hope that you will see the results too."
Dr. Owen Fraser

Also see this powerful testimonial on liver cancer and Noni Juice:

Note the speed with which Noni Juice works.

Budwig Diet
"Scientific studies conducted by Dr. Johanna Budwig in the treatment of seriously ill cancer patients resulted in a gradual recession of tumors, and symptoms of the cancer, liver dysfunction, anemia and diabetes were either partially or completely alleviated." The Budwig diet deals with all types of cancer.

Raw Food
"Farmer Francis Cockram is not the sort of person you would call a crank. Six foot three, his face weathered by years on the land...when Mr. Cockram was told he had liver cancer and only six months to live he felt he had nothing to lose in giving "alternative" medicine a chance. That was in May 1992. More than two years later, he is very much alive. working on the farm... ?NHS doctors, who said there was nothing more they could do for Mr. Cockram, are mystified...a recent scan showed that the 68 year-old farmer's liver is now clear of cancer. Mr Cockram's homeopath in Tiverton told him he could fight the disease by going on a strict diet...eating plenty of fruit, raw vegetables and cereals and drinking nothing but bottled water."
"The effects of carotenoids - alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, canthaxanthin, astaxanthin - on the invasion from rat liver tumor cells were investigated. All the carotenoids examined inhibited the invasion in a dose-dependent manner. Cancer cells previously cultured with hypoxanthine (HX) and xanthine oxidase (XO) showed a highly invasive activity. However, the carotenoids, 5 mu M of beta-carotene and astaxanthin, suppressed this free radical invasive capacity. The results suggest that the anti-invasive action toward the tumors be a result of the antioxidant properties of these carotenoids."

Ellagic Acid
"Ellagic acid promotes carcinogen detoxification by stimulating the activity of various isoforms of the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase in hepatoma (liver cancer)(Barch and Rundhaugen, 1992). Another mechanism by which ellagic acid could inhibit tumor initiation is through its potential role as scavenger of the reactive metabolites of carcinogens." "Ellagic acid reduced the number of altered foci and the incidence of hepatocellular neoplasms in rats with liver cancer induced by N-2-fluorenylacetamide (Tanaka)."

Coenzyme Q10 - CoQ10
"Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an excellent antioxidant that is protective for a liver that has been damaged by ischemia (reduced blood flow). CoQ10 is also an important component of healthy metabolism. It protects the mitochondria and cell membrane from oxidative damage and helps generate ATP, the energy source for cells. CoQ10 is absorbed by the lymphatic system and distributed throughout the body." "It is important to take CoQ10 with some kind of oil such as fish or flaxseed because dry powder CoQ10 is not readily absorbed without it." The oil this quote refers to is part of the Budwig diet.

In conclusion, all seven of the key elements of the Hospice Cancer Diet have positive effects on liver cancers.

Other Treatments for Liver Cancers
Raw Beet Juice - "Beet juice is highly beneficial as a liver detoxifier and blood cleanser. In cases of cancer, therefore, it purifies the bloodstream so that the blood can do its work of detoxifying the body and delivering nutrients to starved cells. By detoxifying the liver, it further promotes clean blood, which is filtered by the liver." Raw beet juice is part of the same vegetable juice that includes carrots and other vegetables (which is already part of the Hospice Cancer Diet)! Do not drink beet juice by itself, always mix it with carrot juice!

MGN-3 or MGN3 - Lane Labs"

...I am a nurse...I found your website by chance when a life long friend of mine called me one day over a year ago to tell me that he had liver cancer. The survival rate for this type of cancer is very poor...You were an answer to a prayer. He started on MGN-3 right away and his cancer went into remission within a couple of months and he is cancer free now." [These comments refer to the book: Cure Your Cancer, by Bill Henderson]

Bitter Melon - "Numerous in vitro studies have also demonstrated the anti-cancerous and anti-leukemic activity of bitter melon against numerous cell lines including liver cancer, human leukemia, melanoma and solid sarcomas."

Breuss Cancer Cure - In the Breuss Cancer Cure literature, special mention is made of liver cancer and the importance of the potato in the Breuss fasting diet. This type of treatment cannot be combined with the Hospice Cancer Diet or any other cancer diet.

Water - a person treating liver cancer should drink at least between 1/2 gallon and 1 gallon of natural water per day to help flush the liver. See:

AHCC - "AHCC is an extract of an hybridization of several medical mushrooms, each of which has a long history of medicinal use in Japan. However, AHCC's action is so much more powerful than the mushrooms from which it comes, that studies show it has been effective against liver cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, multiple myeloma, breast cancer, and AIDS."

Curcumin - "Another study at Wayne State University saw the same apoptosis action on gastrointestinal and colon cancers. An earlier Chinese study demonstrated the death effect when curcumin was introduced in colon cancer, and certain skin, kidney and liver cancer cells in cultures of mouse embryo fibroblasts. (Nutr Cancer 1996;26(1):111-20)" "Curcumin, to be effectively assimilated into the bloodstream must be combined with small amounts of piperine (a component of black pepper). It seems piperine enhances the body?s natural absorption function."

Bee Pollen - "Brad had incurable liver cancer. His wife had given notice to quit work because Brad was to be bedridden, and they planned to take in students in order to have money to live. Twice I offered Brad Bee Pollen, but he refused. One day he said to Dennis, "There's no hope; no medication or treatments work; I'll be finished soon." My reply to Brad was. "Take Bee Pollen every day." Brad has been cancer free for two years now and is presently operating big machinery."

Vitamin D3 - "Additionally, vitamin D3 has demonstrated the ability to inhibit liver cancer cell growth (Majewski et al. 1996). Cancer patients should take 4000-6000 IU of vitamin D3 every day on an empty stomach."

IP-6 or IP6 (Inositol hexaphosphate) - "Vucenik I, Tantivejkul K, Zhang ZS, Cole KE, Saied I, Shamsuddin AM. IP6 in treatment of liver cancer. I. IP6 inhibits growth and reverses transformed phenotype in HepG2 human liver cancer cell line. Anticancer Res.1998;18(6A):4083-4090." "Vucenik I, Zhang ZS, Shamsuddin AM. IP6 in treatment of liver cancer. II. Intra-tumoral injection of IP6 regresses pre-existing human liver cancer xenotransplanted in nude mice. Anticancer Res. 1998;18:4091-4096." "IP -6 has been used against a wide variety of cancers. Blood based cancers such as leukemia are the most sensitive, with solid tumors needing a larger dose. Most studies at this point have used either animals or human cancer cells in vitro, i.e. in a test tube. As an example, adding IP -6 to human liver cancer cells resulted in complete inhibition of tumors. Human liver cancer cells injected into mice resulted in 71% tumors. Cells pretreated with IP -6 resulted in no tumors. Pre-existing liver cancers regressed. In another study with Rhabdomyosarcoma, tumors were suppressed from 25 to 49 fold!" "AbulKalam M. Shamsuddin, MD, PhD., a professor of pathology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, has written a book (Nature's Revolutionary Cancer-Fighter, Kensington Publishing Corp.) about his studies of IP-6. His research has shown that it can slow or stop the growth of liver cancer cells in the laboratory and in mice. Dr. Shamsuddin has reported that while IP-6 doesn't actually kill cancer cells, it makes them behave like normal cells, thus eliminating the danger they pose. A number of laboratory studies have confirmed his findings. Research suggests that IP-6 can boost immune function, help lower cholesterol, prevent formation of kidney stones, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, and prevent the complications of diabetes."

Glutathione - "Glutathione is a small protein composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. It is involved in detoxification of the liver and the body. Glutathione to toxins, such as heavy metals, solvents, and pesticides, and transforms them into a form that can be excreted in urine or bile. Glutathione is also an important antioxidant, counteracting the effects of free radicals produced in the body by oxidation reactions."

ABM (Agaricus Blazei Murill) - "Subsequent studies over the next 25 years have shown the ABM to stimulate the immune system and promote natural mechanisms to battle infectious disease and cancers. ABM stimulates lymphocyte T-cell and Helper T-cell production. The polysaccharide contained in ABM stimulates production of interferon and interleukin that indirectly function to destroy and prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. Additionally, ABM turned out to be a very powerful antiviral agent preventing viruses from entering tissues. Normally, the polysaccharides found in fungus only affect solid cancers, however the polysaccharide in ABM is effective against Ehrich's ascites carcinoma, sigmoid colonic cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and liver cancer as well as against solid cancers."

PMGs (Protomorphogens) - "Any dietary therapy must contain PMGs and eliminate sugars (or to be more specific, all processed foods). The only place you can get PMGs specifically for your organ that has cancer, is from a distributor of Standard Process Labs, or Dr West (my personal supplier). For lung cancer, there is Pneumotrophin, for liver cancer there is Hepatrophin, etc." For more information, see:


Testimonial Which Includes Complete Treatment Protocol For Liver Cancer

Other Comments
There are two general ways to "stimulate" the liver. One is to have an enema, such as a coffee enema or lemon juice enema. The other is to use herbs, etc. Some of the nutrients that help detoxify and stimulate the liver are mentioned above. For more information about the liver and cancer there are two, free eBooks that can be read online: (Click on the Biser book) (click on Free Download)

Here is a web site that has a complete protocol for liver cancer:

Here is another site with a complete protocol:

Here is a list of books that talk about liver cancer (I am not sure I agree with some of their choices):

Note: Do not forget the importance of a Phase Two treatment protocol after all symptoms of cancer are gone.

Liver cancer

A construction superintendent in his 60s was undergoing surgery to remove a gall-bladder blockage of his bile duct. Once they opened him up, they found that it was pinched off by cancer that had surrounded it. The doctors also found cancer in his intestines and his lymphatic system. They closed him up, with a drain to help remove the bile fluid. His cancer (cholangiocarcinoma) was so pervasive they never expected him to leave the hospital.

A friend brought him some soybean concentrate, and the man began to drink it every day for a period of two and a half weeks. After the initial two weeks, his oncologist did a fluoroscope examination, found tumor shrinkage, and ordered a CT scan to verify his findings. The man continued to drink a bottle of the Chinese soybean concentrate each day. He also took Venus flytrap, red clover, CoQ10, liquid oxygen, and pycnogenol. By the third week, the bile drain, which was supposed to drain fluid buildup, was instead being sucked back into his body. Another CT scan revealed that the liver was almost its normal size, and the drainage tube was being pulled inward. The man’s initial cancer growth was reduced by half and the metastases in the intestines and lymphatic were gone.

Seven months later, lab reports showed that blood tests and cancer markers were near normal in all parameters with no signs of any tumors remaining. He moved after his recovery. His new doctor didn’t believe he had had liver cancer, because no one is known to have survived cholangiocarcinoma. The doctor took a biopsy of the liver, comparing it with the biopsy sample from the man’s initial gall-bladder surgery. The test confirmed what the man had told him. The doctor was shocked that this man was alive. He did not know of any other survivors, and could not deny the man’s conviction that his remission was attributed to the nitrogenated soy phytochemical beverage.5

1 To maintain adequate levels of SOD, it is important to keep a strong balance of electrolyte minerals, specifically manganese and selenium, which stimulate the body’s production of SOD.

2 Grant, J.P., “Proper use and recognized role of total parenteral nutrition in the cancer patient,” Nutrition, vol.6, no.4, July/Aug, 1990.

3 Quillian, Patrick, Ph.D., R.D., C.N.S., Beating Cancer with Nutrition, 1994.

4 Colebank, Susan, “Deconstructing Soy,” Health Supplement Retailer, April 2002.

5 Sage, Donna, M.S.S.A., “Interview,” Townsend Letter for Doctors, Oct. 7, 1998.


Date of Interview: January, 2004
Method of Interview: Internet emails
Initials of Patient: N.K. (information provided by her father)
Location of Residence: Brisbane Qld Australia
What Kind of Cancer Did You Have?
liver sarcoma (tumour in the right lobe of her liver)

How Far Had It Metastasisized Before Diagnosis?
She was given up by the top liver surgeon in Queensland

What Month and Year Was It First Diagnosed?
December, 2002

Age When Diagnosed?

What Technique Did The Doctor's Use to Diagnose the Cancer?
It was X-rays and CT scans that first detected her tumour. But even after 3 biopsies, her condition was still not correctly diagnosed but the doctors suspected liver infection and she was given hydatid drugs!

Was There a Biopsy?
Yes, I (the father) believe the first three biopsies caused her tumour to leak and spread, thus turning it so aggresive!

Did You Have Surgery?
Yes, over 70% of her right lobe was removed but some remnants near the heart could not be excised.

Did You Take Chemotherapy and/or Radiation?
She started taking alternative medicine after her liver operation but the real results [of her alternative treatments] became more apparent after her third chemo treatment. By then, she was already onto stricter protocol as more information was sourced from more alternative medicine sites.

How Much Pressure Did the Doctors Put On You To Have Surgery, Chemotherapy, etc.?
He recommended a quick operation to alleviate the pain but mentioned that it was only palliative (i.e. designed to reduce pain and suffering until death).

What Was the Deciding Factor That Convinced You to Use Alternative Treatments?
As I (the father) could not accept his diagnosis, I sought help and researched extensively in the internet. Thanks to Mr Bill Henderson (, I was led into the wonderful world of alternative therapy and my prayers were answered. (the family is Buddhist)

Please Describe Your Treatment Plan: (response of father)
1. She is still on MGN-3 and Immutol, these being her main supplements.
2. She has been drinking over 3 litres of water daily - I believe this contributed to her strong recovery after each chemo treatment. She also ate a lot of avocadoes during that time. She has a glass of orange juice freshly squeezed before breakfast. She also has a lemon squeezed into her water jug daily.
3. She avoids all junk food such as fast food, coke, lollies, cakes, etc which she used to consume too much.
4. We are all eating brown rice instead of white. Most of her dishes are lightly boiled. She does not take much meat and fish (Tasmanian salmon) is her main meat source, either steamed or baked.
5. Every evening, I make her a glass of juice extracted from carrots x 4, beetroot x 1, green apples x 1, and some vegies such as celery or cucumber. She also eats healthy portions of seasonal fruits such as cherries, strawberries, banannas, pineapples, papayas, mangoes, etc.
6. Occasionally, she has some wheat grass juice home grown organically.
7. When she was first diagnosed, we gave her plenty of okra and long beans grown in our garden. This was switched to snow peas during winter. Now, we are back to okra and beans.


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