Both the immune system and your normal cellular biochemistry need slightly alkaline conditions in which to function to their maximum effect. The diets and lifestyles, and stresses and strains of modern Western life produce acid bodies, and cancer sufferers seem to be worse than most.

Alcohol, smoking, red meat, fizzy soft drinks, processed food, lack of sleep and stress all increase the acidity of your body.

The best 'alkaline ash' providers in the body ( this means that the residual from these foods leaves an alkaline pH) are cooked spinach, fresh ginger, Noni jiuce, garlic, kale, raisins, dates and figs (especially dried), soya beans and soya, whole brown rice and watercress.

Unfortunately, the alkaline ash producers arew weaker at their job than the acid builders, so to balance your pH you have to consume far more of the latter group.

You can buy pH-testing kits to measure your current acidity, and you can have your blood and cellular biochemistry analysed for deficiencies, stress and toxin levels.

For the time being, use the list below to redress your pH balance.

Some Alkaline Producers
Fresh Ginger Fresh Nuts Turnips
Noni Juice Watercress Mangoes
Cooked Spinach Papaya Lychees
Kale Whole Brown Rice Peaches
Garlic Soya Grapes
Dates, Figs Soya Beans All Berries
Raisins Carrots Onions
Green Tea Potatoes Apples
Cassie Tea (Essiac) Parsnips Pears
Some Acid Producers
Negative Emotions Liver Pies, Pasties
Stress Shellfish Bread *
Lack of Sleep Fried Foods Spaghetti *
Smoking Bananas Noodles *
Alcohol Meat & Fish Rhubarb
Fizzy Drinks Dried & Salted Meats Citrus Fruits
Coffee/Tea Crisps/Salted Nuts Eggs
Vinegars Processed Foods Cranberries
Salt & Condiments Refined Rice Plums


Hormone supplements are only available on prescription in the U.K. This is because even small amounts are very, very powerful and can cause the whole bodyto go into imbalance.

One major cause of imbalance is the consumption of excess sugars and carbohydrate, which causes temporary and sometimes excessive levels of insulin to be produced and this has a 'knock-on' effect on all the hormones in the body.

Three hormones, Melatonin, Human Growth Hormone (HgH) and DHEA all have the ability to neutralise dangerous free radicals. The problem is that their production declines in our bodies from a peak at puberty, to almost zero at the age of 70.

Steps can be taken to improve levels. Sleep is crucial to the production of both Melatonin and HgH. The amino acid Tryptophan is the precursor of Melatonin. Argenine, orthine and choline help stimulate HgH production, as does resistance training.

Move your lymph

The volume of lymph in your body is twice that of your blood.

However, it has no 'heart' to pump it around.

Clean lymph is vital as it bathes all our cells and carries away toxins.

Drinking 2-3 litres of water per day will help the the cancer patient.

Light exercise, especially that which moves the chest where the thoratic lymph ductis situated, helps the flow of lymph to take toxins from the cell, into the blood stream and then to be expelled from the body.

Swimming, press-ups, yoga, T'ai Chi, laughing and yawning all move the lymph. on