* One active ingredient, a plant lectin called ML 1, when injected
into rabbits resulted in significant natural killer cell, macrophage, and other
white blood cell activity enhancement; similar immune enhancement occurs in
cancer patients injected with Iscador;8
* Iscador significantly stimulated the thymus gland and thymus immune cells,
resulted in increased antibody production and B-cells, acceleration of recovery
of bone marrow and spleens from irradiated animals;
* A peptide isolated from Iscador decreased the size of solid lymphomas in mice;9
In humans, Iscador demonstrated clinical anti-cancer effects:
* Cyto-toxicity to cancer cells and immune enhancement in patients with widespread
metastatic lung cancer;
* Increased activity of natural killer cells, similar to that observed with
* Treatment with Iscador following surgery of 25 women with ovarian cancer,
resulted in a five-year survival rate of 100%, Stage I and II, 23%, Stage III
and 0%, Stage IV. Compared to patients who received the drug Cytoval and survived
5.2 months with Stage III cancer, the Iscador patients who had more advanced
disease survived an average of 16.2 months.10
Research into Iscador's anti-cancer activity is ongoing
at the Lucas Clinic, Arlesheim, Switzerland. Hopefully the results of their
research, if positive, will result in the greater availability of Iscador, particularly
in America, where it has been condemned by the American Cancer Society