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The Nature and Cause of Disease
Cancer: Causes, Prevention and Treatment
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"Science is built up of facts as a house is built up of stones; but an accumulation of facts is no more science that a heap of stones is a house." Poincare; Science and Hypothesis (xiii).

The task of a person diagnosed with cancer to find a total treatment for their cure, is daunting. There are no therapeutic approaches, either conventional or holistic, that can boast unanimous victory, and indeed many fail. Solving the cancer problem has remained elusive; this is partly due to our fragmented approach, where research and practice is divided into many specialities, observing the effects of single treatments on the symptoms of disease, with a clear disregard for the totality of natural biological rules in the human body. If the focus of research and clinical application remains symptomatic, and continues to ignore the underlying metabolism that supports the disease, then treatment will remain ineffective, offering little more than clutching at straws. What is required is an integrated approach that embraces the "concept of totality", a phrase coined by the late Dr. Gerson.

The concept of totality refers to the functioning of the whole body; the integrity of the organs, the level of defence and immunity, and the healing power - all governed by the metabolism. Dr. Gerson states "the onset of metabolic disturbance constitutes the beginning of disease…. the task is to bring the body back to that normal physiology… the next task is to keep the physiology of the metabolism in that natural equilibrium"(pp5-6). He went on to say that cancer develops when there is a general breakdown of the whole body. He maintained that malignancy is cell adaptation to local conditions, or an adjustment to the preceding pathologies. Dr. Gerson surmised, and went on to prove, that if you changed the internal environment, so that the malignancy could not survive, if the body was brought to a healing inflammation (digestion of the tumour), and if the body was able to eliminate toxicity including tumour products, then you would indeed see cure. "What is essential is not the growth itself or the visible symptoms; it is the damage of the whole metabolism, including the loss of defence, immunity and healing power" (p35).

The aim of the therapy is to restore and increase the oxidative metabolism of normal cells, reactivate the enzyme systems, restore the digestion and essential organs (especially the liver) and increase the detoxification of the entire system. It is an intense nutritional and detoxification program which restores total body integrity. Dr. Gerson found that in cancer patients nutritional deficiencies could not be restored as long as the essential organs remain poisoned, in other words, damaged organs lose their capacity to recycle, retain and utilize nutrients. By default, the sick body perpetuates this state of deficiency. Therefore, it became imperative on the therapy to ensure adequate detoxification and nourishment over a long period of time until all the tumours were absorbed and the essential organs restored sufficiently to take over their full function. Dr. Gerson found that the application of the therapy (diet and medications) encouraged the cells to take up the nutrients while simultaneously releasing their accumulated toxic burden into the blood stream where it would be delivered to the liver. He discovered that the liver of a cancer patient is not only damaged but toxic, and any increase in the toxic load had severely detrimental effects, in some cases resulting in "hepatic coma" and death. Cancer breakdown products added to the burden and the patient's condition was seen to deteriorate faster on the therapy than from the actual disease. Hence the introduction of the coffee enema which supported and facilitated the rate of liver detoxification required for effective treatment. (Research undertaken in the 1930s by Heuber and Meyer and later in the 1970s by Wattenberg confirmed the specific compounds in coffee which stimulate the detoxification pathways both in the liver and small intestine). So this combined approach of hyperalimentation and intensive detoxification became the basis of the treatment.

Dr. Gerson refers to the "secret" or end-effect of his treatment was to bring the body to a natural healing inflammation, where the body raises an immune response which destroys abnormal substances including cancer and scar tissue. Dr. Gerson says, "After I recognised the healing of cancer to be a parenteral digestion, the therapeutic endeavour was subordinated to this purpose" (p217). The von Bergmann school at that time stated that "Cancer metabolism takes place once the body is no longer capable of producing an active 'inflammation metabolism' …. the cancerous organism is anergic in respect to inflammation" (p120), and further "where the inflammation metabolism begins the cancer metabolism stops"(p43).

It was common practice during the 1900s to deliberately stimulate defence reactions by invoking fever through the administration of various toxins (Coley's toxins)1 and by inoculating the patient with cancerous tissue or extracts from cancer tissues. Coley's initial success was good; however, as time went on, the treatment proved less effective. Others partially succeeded in producing a defence reaction but no cure was obtained, only temporary improvement.

Similar practices are used today and we are faced with the same limitations of treatment. In the melanoma vaccine trials, where patients receive an autologous vaccine (prepared from their own tumour tissue) in order to activate an immune response to their cancer, the prognosis is improved if the patient has an inflammatory reaction at the site of the vaccine which indicates an active immune system. The vaccine can only stimulate an existing immune system; it will not rebuild or replenish it. This is where Dr. Gerson understood that the outcome such treatments was determined not by the degree or type of stimulus applied, but by the "energy-capacity of the healing apparatus" or the state of "inflammatory preparedness" (immune response) for any given patient. So raising the "energy capacity" of the body became fundamental to treatment. This underlines why the outcome of any adjuvant treatment ultimately depends on the fabric or integrity of the body, which in effect, indicates that it is the body which supports the treatment and not the treatment which supports the body. A curative diet, that rebuilds the system should therefore become the cornerstone of any therapeutic approach.

It was already established that cancer patients were "anergic" (unable to produce an inflammatory reaction) to a greater or lesser degree. Dr. Gerson believed, from his observations, that the "anergia" increased, the more advanced the disease became. In advanced cases, the differential count for lymphocytes often fell below 10% (p124-125), which, as Dr. Gerson points out, indicated that the body was no longer capable of producing the necessary amount of lymphocytes for defence and healing. However, he observed that after several months of detoxification the inflammatory response was restored, or in other words, the energy-capacity of the healing apparatus was increased. "It therefore appears that the body's capacity to produce an allergic inflammation (healing power) depends on a most complete detoxication and an equilibrium in the metabolism to near normal"(pp128-129).

Dr. Gerson acknowledged "that the idea of helping the organism through a strong inflammation is old but was correct from the beginning" (p128), and he was not averse to stimulating the immune system, in addition to his treatment. He remained cautious in this approach as he saw that the problem lay in finding "the surest and most effective way to do this." However, he differed from his colleagues in that he felt it was essential that the body was brought to a natural and spontaneous inflammation, achievable on his therapy and a positive indication of a reactivation of the healing power. He states, "It is not enough to introduce a temporary inflammation into the body. The body itself must be able to do it and do it continuously, because many cancer cells remain hidden in some areas where even the bloodstream cannot reach them. In order to maintain this healing process, it is, of course, necessary to apply the treatment for long enough to restore all vital organs to normal function to reproduce the same reactive processes as used by the body itself, for healing purposes" (p125). To his mind, this enabled cure; to merely induce an artificial fever while neglecting the fundamental cause of the disease was of no long-term benefit. It is interesting to note the work of Tallberg2 who uses an integrated metabolic, hormonal and immunological approach, and who has had some good results in improving the disease-free interval in some patients. Part of his treatment involves autologous vaccination admixed with tuberculin PPD and/or repeated vaccinations against influenza A and B strains. However, it is necessary to keep giving the vaccinations in order to secure control of the cancer and this method is not seen as cure.

The Gerson Therapy is not a preventative therapy; it is a curative therapy and through its specific application, it restores the metabolism, which as a consequence, alters the pathology. We are dealing with two metabolisms which co-exist in the cancer patient; the fermentative or cancer metabolism (does not use oxygen), and the normal or oxidative metabolism. Each is nourished, grows and reproduces with the aid of the nutrition to its disposal. Malignant cells with their fermentative system cannot adapt to the oxidative metabolism, so the thrust of the therapy is to bring the body back to its full oxidative function which supports cell differentiation, maturation and a defence system that checks any abnormal cell formation.

In raising the resistance of the body, while lowering the resistance of the tumour we are feeding and increasing the capacity the healthy cells while starving the cancer cells. Dr. Gerson observed that the onset of any pathological change in the cell was marked by a loss of potassium and an uptake of sodium, chloride and water by the cell. Once this occurs the cell naturally starts to drop into fermentation, sodium being a potent inhibitor of oxidation. In the 1970s, specific studies undertaken by the physiologist Clarence Cone3, who generated substantial experimental data concerning changes in potassium and sodium levels in cancer cells, indicated that not only do cancer cells take up sodium, but this mineral has a mitotic regulating effect forcing cancer cells to continuously divide, producing tumours.

Dr. Gerson's X-ray studies revealed that sick or damaged tissues were characterized by an area of oedematous swelling, which in malignancy provides a protective layer. Malignancies secrete toxic cancer breakdown products, some from protein, which seep into the surrounding area weakening the tissues and reducing the natural barrier. On the high potassium /no salt therapy these internal oedemas reduced, the tumours started shrinking and the patient starts to heal. Dr. Gerson observed losses of up to 8g per day of sodium in the urine at the beginning of the therapy and at periodic intervals during flare-ups. Dr. Gerson understood, despite opposition from within the medical establishment, that potassium, as a key activator of the oxidative system, had to be re-instated within the cell. He found that the application of larger doses of supplemental potassium (equal parts of potassium acetate, gluconate and mono-phosphate, determined after 300 experiments over a 6 year period) to an already high potassium diet, not only facilitated the uptake of potassium by the cells, but accelerated the elimination of sodium and toxins from the system which led to increased healing.

It was not until the 1970s that we saw scientific validation of Dr. Gerson's methods. His therapy was reviewed by Freeman Cope, MD4 (Chief of Biochemistry of the Naval Air Development Centre, Pennsylvania, USA) who predicted and tested, using NMRI technology, Dr. Gerson's theory, that large amounts of potassium could be added to a low sodium diet to reduce what he labelled the tissue damage syndrome. This technology reads tissue chemistry electronically, enabling us to record and interpret electrical fields within the body. Cope was in agreement with Gilbert Ling's5 (biophysicist) "Association-Induction Theory" which was advanced in 1962. Ling approached the cell as an electrical model. He demonstrated that the latticework of microfilaments within the cell generates an electrical field which, through its force of attraction, causes water to polarise and form structured layers. In this electrical state, the cell is purified and will not accept sodium. This electrical field is governed by the association of potassium at the negatively charged sites along the microfilaments. When potassium is in place, the oxidation system is activated along with the production of energy (ATP) and normal metabolism occurs. Cope verified that damaged tissues, whether from chemical, bacterial or traumatic insult, lose their electrostatic forces which hold the potassium in place, and start to swell with sodium and water. A vicious cycle is then set up as the cell metabolism becomes more and more impaired. Cope demonstrated that, unless the cell was irreversibly damaged, by bombarding the cells with potassium they are encouraged to regain their electrical state.

The application of thyroid and Lugol's (inorganic iodine) medication along with the potassium (in large doses at the beginning of the treatment) amplifies the cellular response to increase oxidative capacity and free energy. Thyroid and Lugol's stimulate the replication of cellular mitochondria (energy factories of the cell where oxygen in "burned" and ATP is formed) to meet the increased energy requirements. These medications also accelerate sodium and toxin elimination.

The cancer cell cannot adapt to these changes, and in effect are starved of their nutrition, while the oxidizing cells are revitalized. Additionally, all the other medications recommended by Dr. Gerson, were ones that only supported oxidative metabolism, such as niacin (and later we added CoQ10), and are not required by the cancer cell. Dr. Gerson did try introducing various nutritional supplements but had negative results with the ones he tried, specifically calcium, magnesium, folic acid, and vitamins A and E, which he found had a stimulating rather than a replenishing effect. "Several times I observed that vitamins in good combinations, with or without minerals, produced a regrowth of cancer or new spreadings in a few days. The patient felt better for a shorter or longer period through what may be regarded as the stimulation of the entire metabolism. However, the cancer regrew, caused by what some other authors explained as the greater attraction power of the cancerous tissue"(p210). Tallberg 2 has also identified specific nutrients acting as growth factors for malignancies.

Cancer tissue is greedy for nutrients, especially protein. Excess dietary protein not only inhibits sodium elimination and the reversal of the tissue damage syndrome, but also promotes the growth of tumours. Experimental work carried out by Dr. Robert Good 6 on mice during the 1980s, confirmed Dr. Gerson's observations, that a restricted calorie and protein diet causes regression of tumours. When protein was added prematurely into the diet, Dr. Gerson's patients experienced regrowth of tumour tissue.

The nutrients as supplied in the food and the freshly prepared juices, however, did not have a stimulant effect on the tumour tissue. Dr. Gerson observed that while the nutrients were in their living state, as part of the living enzyme system of the plant, that they would be taken up and replenish the sick tissues. If the juices were not taken immediately after preparation (60% of enzymes die within 30 minutes of juice preparation), or if the enzymes were damaged in the juicing (as occurs when using centrifugal machines), then the patient failed to respond to the therapy. It would appear that nutrients, as part of the oxidizing system of the plant, will support the oxidizing cell, but when they fall out of this state, they are no longer as effective.

Due to Dr. Gerson's negative findings on nutritional supplements, he was opposed to their use as he regarded them as having stimulant value only, being chemical substances devoid of energy. He says, "We know that what we have inherited is not set of chemical substances but a pattern of dynamic energies"(p90), and that "the system needs animating energies besides the pure substances" (p99). He comments that by using organically grown foods, you bring both the discovered and undiscovered enzymes and nutrients (especially the unknown) together in the proper quantity, mixture and composition required for regeneration and healing. It is important to understand that through the specific application of the Gerson Therapy (diet and medications) we bring about a total change in cell metabolism, a shift of sodium and toxins and a re-instatement of potassium and the oxidative cycle, which cannot simply be achieved through nutritional supplementation. Dr. Gerson offers the following comment, "It is not necessary here to pay attention to the many proposals for applying one or more vitamins or enzymes or those mixed with minerals. It would be a primitive concept to propose that the administration of one or another enzyme, vitamin or mineral or their composition would change or counteract the enzymatic disturbance or intracellular nature" (p57).

If we approach the cancer problem from an holistic view point then the chances are that we will make informed and better choices rather than adopting a hit and miss approach. There are many adjunctive treatments available today, and clearly many have therapeutic value. Among the ones a Gerson patient may use are laetrile, ozone, hydrotherapy (hyperthermy), and herbs. Choosing an integrated approach based on the concept of totality, means that any chosen treatment can be evaluated as to how far it can assist, or whether it undermines the healing process. According to the concept of totality the outcome of any treatment is dependent upon the existing energy-capacity of the body, as it is the body integrity that ultimately supports the treatment. The cornerstone of any treatment therefore must be diet-based.

With any proposed therapy I believe two questions need to be asked:

am I releasing the accumulated, and the current, toxic burden?
am I rebuilding my healthy cells and depriving my cancer cells?

Then you may ask how your chosen adjunct treatment fits into the overall plan.

I strongly agree with Dr. Gerson, that the fundamental cause of degenerative disease and cancer is unnatural nutrition (non-organic and processed) and the slow poisoning of the body due to the accumulation of environmental toxins. I believe that the time is critical and that we need to adopt more preventative measures by ensuring that we use only organic foods and refuse toxic chemicals in our environment. I quote Dr. Gerson, "I fear that it will not be possible, at least in the near future, to repair all the damage that modern agriculture and civilization have brought to our lives. I believe it is essential that people unite, in the old conservative manner, for the humanitarian purpose of producing nutrition for their families and future generations as natural and unrefined as possible" (pp3-4).References:

Tallberg, Thomas: "Cancer treatment, based on active nutritional biomodulation, hormonal therapy and specific autologous immunotherapy", Journal of Australasian College of Nutrition & Environmental Medicine, Vol. 15 No 1, April 1996, pp 5-23. http://www.acnem.org/journal/15-1_april_1996/cancer_treatment_and_autologous_immunotherapy.htm
Cone, Clarence D. Jr.: "Unified theory on the Basic Mechanism of Normal Mitotic Control and Oncogenesis." Journal of Theoretical Biology 30: 151-181, 1971
Cope, Freeman W., "A Medical Application of the Ling Association-Induction Hypothesis: The High Potassium, Low Sodium diet of the Gerson Cancer Therapy", Physiological Chemistry and Physics 10: 456-467, 1978
Ling, Gilbert: A Revolution in the Physiology of the Living Cell, 1992. www.gilbertling.org/
Good, Robert A., Fernandes, Gabriel, and Day, Noorbibi D., "The Influence of Nutrition on Development of Cancer Immunity and Resistance to Mesenchymal Diseases", 1982, New York Raven Press, Molecular Interrelations of Nutrition and Cancer.

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