Slaughter of the Innocent
Jenny Marsh—06/2004
This is Dr. Janet Smith. She is a consultant oncologist
at a hospital near you. She looks harmless enough… even respectable… but
don't be fooled. She is in fact a mass murderer, but even she doesn't
know it. Approach her with EXTREME caution.
* * *
ONE DAY, not so far in the future, people will look back to these times with
incredulity at how a society that presumed itself civilized could annually
murder millions of its citizens for profit. And they will marvel at how these
would unquestioningly join the queues for the slaughter houses, meekly laying
down their live — just as they had done less than a century before in
two terrible world wars.
Of course, it is easy to be wise in hindsight, and those future generations will
no doubt quickly realize that although it was always our choice to visit the
slaughter houses, we were under the influence of heavy propaganda from the medical
establishment and the pharmaceutical industry that did everything they could
to instill into each one of us that the slaughter houses are necessary to counter
the relatively recent cancer (and other degenerative diseases) epidemic.
Cancer rates, as well as many other degenerative diseases, exploded in
the latter half of the 20th century because of the massive levels of
deadly chemicals or
carcinogenic compounds that humanity insisted and continues to insist on pumping
into the environment for the sake of maximizing commercial profit - in fact
over 60,000 toxins since World War II. Couple that with the fact that
the average
diet is woefully inadequate at offering any kind of nutritional protection
from these toxins and you have a recipe for biological disaster. And
this is exactly
what has happened. Today, one in two of us will get cancer at some time in
our lives whereas it was one in five only a few decades ago. This year
alone 1.5
million Americans and 2 million Europeans will be diagnosed with cancer. And
750,000 will die this year alone in the US from this disease. (Isn't it ironic
how shocked and outraged the US public are when just a few hundred Americans
die in Iraq or a few thousand on 9/11… but three quarters of a million… every
year… and there is hardly a squeak of protest.)
The response by our governments to this epidemic was to declare "war on
cancer" back in the 1970s. Trillions has been spent on research and treatment
and finding a cure since then, and yet, not only has this "war" been
ineffective at reducing mortality, cancer rates overall are rapidly rising. Hodgkin's
disease, acute lymphocytic leukaemia and some less common cancers have been treated
with moderate success with orthodox treatments like chemo"therapy" (8%
of children with leukaemia, for example, now live but are likely to get another
form of cancer later in life), but for most of the common solid tumours, modern
cancer diagnosis, screening and treatments are ineffective. (Screening can
even increase the chance of cancer because X-rays themselves are believed to
be the
third largest cause of cancer.)
In fact, Dr. Karl Horst Poehlmann says, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, that
chemo"therapy" is
the only orthodox treatment that has been shown to be 100% statistically useless
in all proper trials (read Ulrich Abel's excellent book Chemotherapy of Advanced
Cancer). Chemo is unhelpful for 97% of cancers. And even when a patient's tumour
does respond well (i.e., the tumours shrink fast under treatment) that patient
has been shown to live no longer than someone whose tumour did not respond.
And yet, most would never realize these facts with the deceptive manner
in which
the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry present the statistics.
You would think the war on cancer was being won the way they carry on! Orthodox
cancer treatments rely on 3 main methods - chemo, surgery and radiation (so
called poison, slash and burn) - and even though surgery is regarded
as the most successful
of the three it too can actually cause cancer because it stimulates angiogenesis
- the new blood vessel growth that tumours thrive on. Even taking a biopsy
can cause cancer in a sixth of patients because it effectively spreads
the cancer
cells by breaking the tumours' protein encapsulation.
Just the other day here in London, Cancer Research was doing a poster
campaign which stated that more people are hearing the words "all clear" than
ever before. The implication is that cancer research is successfully reducing
cancer rates. But wait a minute: if cancer rates are increasing then more people
may well be receiving the all clear even though more people are dying from it
as well. And one must also factor in that early cancer treatment will invariably
widen the net to include cases which are questionably cancer in the first place,
making treatment all the more successful and allowing the medical establishment
to take credit for more "all clears". (Yet another consideration
is that those diagnosed early are more likely to undergo complementary treatments,
considerably raising their survival chances.) So Cancer Research's advertising
campaign is deceptive - an underhanded attempt to raise more money for orthodox
research against a backdrop of almost total failure.
Many studies and meta studies (studies of studies) show just how ineffective
orthodox cancer treatments are (and often how they are not only ineffective
but make matters a lot worse, decreasing survival chances). Their aggressive
temporarily kills many cancer cells, and sometimes that is occasionally necessary
for fast growing tumours, but most would agree that a true measure of a treatments
success is survival probability after a five year period, as well as quality
of life. What is the point of extending a person's life by a few months if
those few months they are spent in terrible suffering from the side-effects?
What usually
happens is that the treatment kills 90% of the cancer cells but leaves the
10% that are more resistant to treatment and more aggressive to proliferate
with fewer constraints because the immune system was shot to pieces in the
process. In the words of Ulrich Abel, a German biostatistician, "Many oncologists
take it for granted that response to therapy prolongs survival, an opinion which
is based on a fallacy and which is not supported by clinical studies." Taking
comfort in a shrinking tumour at the cost of serious and often fatal destruction
to the body and its immune system is insanity. If treatments do not increase
long-term survival then why undertake them, especially as they have such awful
A few years back Ralph Moss, the author of Questioning Chemotherapy,
gave a lecture in London in which he stated that his studies on the effectiveness
of chemo"therapy" came
up with the overall success rate of only 7%. A newer 2004 study by two oncologists
in Australia, however, published in Clinical Oncology 2004 16:549-60 reveiled
that chemo improves survival by only 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA. [The
methodology of this study was criticised however by a leading oncologist who
said that the actual figure was as high as 5 or 6%!] Other researchers like Ulrich
Abel would put the figure lower than that. Dr. Pfeifer, for example, has stated
that once a cancer has metastasized, chemotherapy is only of long-term survival
benefit to 2% of cases! (As almost all chemo"therapies" have never
been through proper double blind trials on humans for ethical reasons, this
may be entirely a placebo effect, or the placebo effect is much higher and
is worse than useless.)
The generous 7% average success rate that Ralf Moss has come up with
for chemo"therapy" does
not reflect the greater successes of this treatment with blood cancers (especially
in children — although it has to be said that there is a large chance that
the cancer will reoccur when the child is an adult), but if any alternative or
complimentary treatment showed a similar level of overall "success",
the medical establishment would rise up in outrage and get such a dismal and
barbaric therapy banned immediately and those who administered it prosecuted.
But this is not going to happen to an establishment protected by a rich and powerful
pharmaceutical industry which makes billions in profit each year from these "treatments".
(A few years back single course of Taxol costs £10,000… it is probably
more now.)
Walter Last in his excellent article "How Scientific Are Orthodox Cancer
Treatments?" published recently in Nexus Magazine states, "An investigation
of the records of 1.2 million cancer patients [published in 2002 by J. Nat. Cancer
Inst.] revealed that the death rate attributed to non-cancer death shortly after
treatment was 200% higher than would normally be expected. Two years after diagnosis
and treatment, this excessive date rate had fallen to 50%… This means that,
instead of dying several years later from cancer, these patients died from the
effects of treatment." He goes on to report that because they strictly
died of treatment rather than cancer per se, these deaths actually helped to
the cancer statistics.
Of course, "death by doctors" is nothing new and is rife in modern
health "care". Null and Dean reported astonishing figures in their
paper "Death by Medicine" published in the Nutritional Institute
of America in November 2003. They showed that in 2001 the number of deaths
to medical interventions in the US was a staggering 783,936, whilst that for
heart disease was 699,697, and that for cancer, 553,251. Dr. Vernon Coleman,
an experienced doctor comments in his book, Betrayal of Trust, that one in
six British hospital patients are in hospital because they have been made ill
their doctor. He also outlined a study in Australia that showed 470,000 men,
women and children are admitted to hospital because they have been made ill
by their doctors. In America, 200,000 people die each year as a result of medical
Coleman illustrates these worrying statistics by the fact that when doctors in
Israel went on strike for a month in 1973, admissions to hospitals fell by 85%,
and the overall death rate in Israel dropped by 50%. The same thing happened
in Colombia in 1976 where a 52 day doctor's strike resulted in an 18% reduction
in the death rate and 60% fewer operations. And when physicians went on strike
in the United Kingdom for a month in 1978, deaths dropped by 40%. When all these
striking doctors returned to work, the death rate rose again to its pre-strike
level. Of course the doctors were embarrassed by these statistics and tried to
deny them. (A very well-read naturopathic doctor told me that this reduction
of the death rate during a doctor's strike also occured in Italy, although I
can't confirm this one.)
The truth is that orthodox medicine is relatively ineffective for many health
problems, and patients would be much better off making lifestyle changes and
seeking alternative treatments. In his book, How to Live Longer, Coleman gives
a rating out of 10 for orthodox treatments, alternative treatments and self-help/lifestyle
changes in both prevention and treatment for many of our most common ailments.
Coleman admits that these figures are somewhat subjective but has tried to tie
them in with the evidence available. For the prevention of anxiety and depression
he give orthodox medicine 0 out of 10; alternative medicine 4 out of 10; and
self-help 7 out of 10. For treatment of anxiety and depression he gives orthodox
medicine 3 out of 10, alternative practitioners 8/10, and self-help 8/10. For
the prevention of arthritis the figures are 0:6:6; treatment of arthritis 5:6:7.
Asthma prevention - 1:6:6. Asthma treatment - 5:6:6. Cancer prevention - 0:8:9.
Cancer treatment - 1:8:8. Eczema / Dermatitis prevention - 0:0:6. Eczema / Dermatitis
treatment - 5:8:8. Headache / Migraine prevention - 1:6:7. Headache / Migraine
treatment - 3:6:9. Heart Disease prevention - 2:6:9. Heart Disease treatment
- 2:5:8. High blood pressure prevention - 0:4:9. High blood pressure treatment
- 3:5:8. Irritable Bowel Syndrome prevention - 1:3:8. IBS treatment - 2:2:8.
Osteoporosis prevention - 0:0:9. Treatment - 0:0:9. In other words, modern orthodox
medicine is disastrous for preventing disease and not much better at treating
Walter Last references Hildenbrand's paper, "Five-year survival rates of
melanoma patients treated by diet therapy after the manner of Gerson: A retrospective
review", in which he compares the success of the Gerson diet against conventional
treatments for treating a sample of 153 melanoma. For Stage I and II, 100% of
those on Gerson therapy survived, whereas only 79% of those on conventional treatments
survived. With Stage III, the figures are 70% and 41% respectively. And with
Stage IVa they are 39% and 6%. He goes on to say that "Many natural cancer
therapists claim a success rate of more than 90% in arresting and reversing cancer,
provided that patients have not been subject to orthodox treatments beforehand.
The most damaging treatments appear to be chemotherapy and radiotherapy." And
yet Gerson, with it relatively good track record, is continually maligned by
orthodox doctors.
In addition to being relatively ineffective, there are also huge levels
of incompetence in orthodox diagnosis. Coleman reports that "a report published after pathologists
had performed 400 post mortem examinations showed that in more than half the
cases the wrong diagnosis had been made." He goes on to write that in a
study of 131 randomly selected psychiatric patients, three quarters may have
been wrongly diagnosed; and when researchers examined the medical records of
100 dead patients which post-mortems had identified as heart attack victims,
only 53% had been diagnosed correctly, despite the fact that half that patients
were seeing cardiologists (not just normal doctors but experts in heart disease).
The list goes on and on, and Coleman gives the reason for this unacceptable failure
rate as the "lamentable education" that modern medical students are
receiving, and their reliance on technological gadgetry and drug solutions.
Bryan Hubbard tells us in his excellent book, Secrets of the Drug Industry,
that at least 106,000 Americans die every year as a result of some adverse
to "correctly" prescribed drugs, and that a further 7000 die from
incorrectly prescribed drugs. In the UK, 40,000 die every year as a result
of reactions to
prescription drugs, and a further 150,000 are disabled or need hospital treatment
after taking a drug. He also reports how another study found that 2,216,000
Americans are permanently disabled or spend time in hospital as a direct result
of prescription
drugs. And considering that doctors are reluctant to report adverse reactions
to orthodox drugs, these deplorable figures are no doubt an underestimation.
In fact, even the pharmaceutical industry itself admits that drugs are
largely ineffective. Dr. Allen Roses, worldwide Vice President of Genetics
at GlaxoSmithKline
(GSK) and a pre-eminent figure in the field, stated in 2003 that more than
90% of drugs work in only 30-50% of people. Whilst this may seem a shocking
by an industry insider and expert, and whilst it is no doubt a conservative
overestimation of the benefit of drugs, he does not even mention what
negative impact these "ineffective" drugs
are having. So doctors have been subscribing ineffective drugs for most of their
patients! Recently, even Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was found to cause
cancer, heart disease, strokes and dementia. And this was after it was lauded
to not only be the answer to menopause but "proven" safe and effective
by "medical research". (Did doctors apologize for so arduously promoting
HRT and no doubt killing many women in the process? Of course not… it
is just business as usual with the next wonder drug.)
Walter Last attributes these shocking figures to the fact that orthodox
medicine is largely unscientific. He quotes Richard Smith in the British
Medical Journal
as saying, "… only 15% of medical interventions are supported by solid
scientific evidence" and "This is because only 1% of the articles in
medical journals are scientifically sound, and partly because many treatments
have never been assessed at all." This is especially relevant to cancer
treatments where there is the added problem of the ethics of double blind trials.
One percent scientifically sound?!! Can you believe that… and we all
thought that orthodox medicine, which wastes no opportunity to denounce unorthodox
as unscientific, was based on careful research and clinical studies. And this
was reported in a prestigious orthodox journal!
If orthodox treatments are so ineffective and dangerous, why is it then
that they continue to be used? The reason for this is that they are completely
backed, controlled and supported by the massive pharmaceutical industry which
makes billions of dollars profit from peddling them. This industry has the
clout to influence doctors through training school and in general practice — usually
with free gifts, grants, sponsorship, drug rebates and high salaries (more accurately
called bribes) — loading them up with pro-drug and pro-orthodox treatment
propaganda until they become its sales agents.
Not only does the industry influence doctors, it naturally influences the research
that they do. Money takes much of the objectivity out of clinical research, a
fact recently reported by New Scientist. Research funded by the pharmaceutical
industry (as the majority now is) is far more likely to produce favourable results
than independent research. When Oxford University academic An-Wen Chan recently
analysed 102 clinical trials, he found that researchers changed the primary outcomes
in their published reports in 62% of the cases. In other words they modified
the results to please their sponsor. Researchers are not necessarily being dishonest;
it is just that human beings have a natural and mostly unconscious urge to please
their paymasters. And it is well documented that research showing negative results
is much more likely to be buried by the sponsor, so that the public and doctors
remain unaware of potential drug dangers.
What is most worrying, however, is that the pharmaceutical industry is
sowing up its monopoly on health"care" in the legal system. By lobbying governments
(in the US alone the industry has 7 full-time lobbyists for every member of congress)
and using its financial clout to warp the processes of democracy, it has managed
to severely restrict safer and more effective alternative treatments — treatments
that are undoubtedly more successful than the pharmaceutical ones. It is even
working on outlawing the majority of vitamin, mineral and other natural supplements,
reducing maximum doses to ineffective levels. This is already scheduled to come
into effect in the EU in April 2005. For example, Brussels has dictated (there
is no other word for it because it was certainly not a democratic decision) that
it will be illegal to sell Vitamin C in strengths over 200mg… why?… well
high dose Vitamin C (several grams a day) is vital for optimum health, and
most alternative cancer regimes include high quantities of this vitamin because
significantly increases survival. In other words, something as innocuous as
Vitamin C is in direct competition with drugs, and the pharmaceutical industry,
all big business, likes to protect its profits. Healthy people are bad for
The approach the pharmaceutical PR machine uses to denigrate natural
health supplements is safety. Every few weeks there seems to be another
major piece in a national
newspaper and on television warning the public of the dangers of vitamin and
mineral supplements. Yet, in the US, the place where the public take the most
health supplements, the number of deaths attributed to health supplements in
2001 was 16 against the 106,000 people killed by correctly prescribed pharmaceutical
drugs. (Click here for a safety comparison graph.) Medicines are therefore
equivalent to 35 x 9/11 attacks every year, or 212 jumbo jet crashes
every year in terms
of fatalities. This should be front page headlines… and yet, all the
media seem to do is to obediently focus their attention on how dangerous natural
are instead. But as prescription drugs are nearly 7000 times more dangerous
than natural health supplements, clearly the drug company's massive PR campaigns
working well (which isn't surprising considering their multi-million dollar
budgets and their media contacts). Money talks.
The pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable industry sector in
the world with the top 20 drug companies making sales of $200 billion
in 2000 with an average
growth of 11 per cent. Even during world economic recessions, this industry
still manages to make "healthy" profits. Hubbard reports that
the top ten drug companies made a return of 18.5 cents for every $1 in
sales - which is eight
times higher than the combined return of every other sector. GlaxoSmithKline,
the second largest in the world, alone made a 31 per cent return on $20.5 billion
Only the very naïve would believe that corporations would put the
interests of their customers before the interest of their profits. The
two are not the
same: the true interest of the customer is to actually take as few drugs as
possible, and to make lifestyle changes instead. The pharmaceutical industry
knows this,
which is why it does everything it can to brainwash new doctors into its drug
paradigm. If much of the information a doctor receives is drug-focused pharmaceutical
propaganda, is it really so surprising that drugs are so dangerously over prescribed?
(In recent UK survey, which was reported on national television, 8 out of 10
doctors admitted to over prescribing tranquillisers. And that is just the ones
that admit it.)
With such huge levels of money underpinning it, the medical establishment
(or "medical
inquisition" as some accurately call it) maintains a ruthless stranglehold
on healthcare. And it is ruthless. What would a profession directly responsible
for millions of deaths around the world care about the reputation of honest and
caring alternative doctors and practitioners, and the standing of treatments
that directly challenge its authority and profits because they are unquestionably
more effective? Alternative doctors have been hounded to death and imprisoned,
just because they represented a threat to the medical establishment's authority
and profits. You just have to read books like Dirty Medicine by Martin Walker
(banned in many countries and forcibly out of print) to see how this industry
works. It is vicious, uncaring, murderous, vindictive and cruel. Anyone who believes
that the medical industry ("healthcare"!), and the pharmaceutical
giants that underpin and protect it, care one iota for our health and wellbeing
is living
in cloud-cookoo-land along with the rest of the Flat Earth Society.
So the bottom line is that orthodox doctors can unquestionably be bad for your
health. The modern medical establishment has been completely infiltrated by the
pharmaceutical industry with the result that doctors and consultants peddle dangerous,
expensive and ineffective treatments that serve only to line the pockets of the
pharmaceutical companies. So the next time anybody rubbishes alternative treatments
on grounds (usually but not always false) of being unscientific, expensive, dangerous
and misleading, remember that orthodox medicine is orders of magnitude more unscientific,
more expensive, more dangerous and more misleading. The difference is that the
medical mafia which controls orthodox medicine have legal and government protection,
making them completely unaccountable for their terrible crimes. (That is how
millions of people can be legally murdered without a single perpetrator brought
to justice.)
However, If just one person is inadvertently injured by an alternative
treatment, no matter how beneficial that treatment is overall, no matter
how many lives
it can potentially save, all hell breaks loose… the treatment is severely
controlled or banned, those responsible are publicly taken to court with great
fanfare, the massive anti-alternative PR campaigns step up, and the whole of
alternative medicine is systematically denigrated… such is the manner by
which the medical establishment maintains its monopoly and spins its propaganda.
The pharmaceutical industry donates huge amounts of money to ongoing disinformation
and propaganda campaigns waged against the public mind (as well as the medical
profession) in order to maintain the lie that alternative medicine is quackery
and that drugs offer the best solution. The lie is repeated over and over, until
most of the public and journalists blindly accept it as self-evident, even though
the term "quackery" is by definition more appropriate a label for
most of orthodox medicine itself. This is the madness in which those of us
who know
the game struggle to eke out as healthy a life as we are able, all the while
defending our diminishing territory of health freedom from a massive corporate
and legal onslaught that demands to see us sick and dying so that it can rob
us blind of every last cent.
And if you think this article is biased… you are right… it
is strongly biased towards health and life based on rational enquiry.
So my advice to you
when you are unwell and needing medical intervention, especially if you have
a degenerative disease like cancer or heart disease, is to do your homework
- check out just how successful orthodox medical procedures and drugs
really are,
make those lifestyle changes, and seriously consider alternative treatments.
Otherwise, by blindly accepting any orthodox medical treatment going, perhaps
because you have been frightened by your doctor into believing that it is the
only viable option, you may find yourself meekly and obediently queuing up
outside a slaughter house.
* * *
Dr. Janet Smith, therefore, really is much more dangerous than she looks. In
fact, for someone her age and with her professional experience, she has probably
colluded in the murder of thousands of innocent lives. What makes this particularly
difficult for many to accept is that she might really be a kind and considerate
human being… although dangerously misguided. Janet unquestionably believes
that she is doing good; she originally became a doctor because she wanted to
help, and an oncologist, because she wanted to cure cancer. But unfortunately
she has chosen to be indoctrinated into a narrow disease-centric paradigm, one
that supports only the pharmaceutical industry's profits and the authority of
orthodox medicine. She has forgotten her raison d'etre - to heal… to make
whole… to put her patient's health above any medical ideology. And in
forgetting that she is supposed to be a healer first and foremost, and for
being closed
to alternatives which are clearly in her patients' interest, she is guilty
of gross negligence and professional misconduct.
Nearly all the statistics and points raised in this article originated
from the medical establishment itself, based on bone fide scientific
enquiry, and many
of them have been reported in leading orthodox journals. Can Janet plead ignorance
to these facts because she was too busy to read the journals… too busy
to question the "treatments" she so freely doles out? Or will history
judge her as an accomplice in in the slaughter of the innocent? Time will tell.
Jenny Marsh is a writer, activist and dreamer living in London. |
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