Acid Stable Protease
Digests protein. Acid stable protease remains active even in the presence of stomach acids.

Activated Barley
By using low-temperature steam, barley can be taken just up to the point of sprouting where all the proteins and carbohydrates have been converted but not used by the sprout, and at a temperature low enough so that no enzymes are damaged.

African Bird Pepper
The potent, hot fruit of cayenne has been used as medicine for centuries. It is helpful for various conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, including constipation (by stimulating peristalsis), stomachaches, cramping pains, and gas.

Aktivated Barley
By using low-temperature steam, barley can be taken just up to the point of sprouting where all the proteins and carbohydrates have been converted but not used by the sprout, and at a temperature low enough so that no enzymes are damaged.

Alfalfa Leaf

Revered as the "father of all foods," alfalfa has been eaten for centuries by people seeking a rich source of essential minerals and vitamins.

Alpha Galactosidase
An enzyme that helps minimize gas, bloating, and flatulence caused by certain foods.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Sometimes called the "Mother" antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid is one of the main boosters of glutathione levels in body cells, and is one of the key co-factors involved in generating energy in the cells mitochondria.

Amylase helps your body break down and assimilate starches and carbohydrates. Supplemental amylase can also help reduce stress.

Andrographis Paniculata
Andrographis paniculata, has been proven superior to Milk Thistle (Silymarin) in its liver protective and bile promoting properties. In Scandinavia this plant is now the top selling herbal product for fighting infections, replacing Echinacea.

Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV is anathema to all kinds of germs that attack the throat. It acts like a sponge and draws out throat germs and toxins from the surrounding tissue. It also works to break down toxic wastes and render them harmless.

Apple Pectin
Apple Pectin may be used to remove unwanted metals and toxins, lower cholesterol and helps reduce the side effects of radiation therapy. In fact, it was used after Chernobyl to pull radioactive waste from victims.

Arnica Oil

Arnica oil has been used for centuries for bruises and sprains.

Artichoke Leaf
Artichoke leaf has traditionally been used in jaundice and liver insufficiency as well as for cholesterol reduction. It is thought that artichoke inhibits oxidation of low density lipoprotein and reduces cholesterol biosynthesis.

Astragalus root is an immunostimulant used in the treatment of chronic viral infections, hepatitis, edema, common cold, and flu.

Avena Sativa
Wild oats can increase free testosterone levels an astounding 105% on average by unbinding it from albumin in the body

Bacopa Monniera
A classic brain and nervine tonic, Bacopa is a medicinal herb that has been used effectively for hundreds of years as a rejuvenative for the brain and nervous system. It is believed to increase mental clarity, and to promote memory and intelligence.

Banaba Leaf
In humans with type II diabetes, banaba extract, at a dose of 16-48mg per day for 4-8 weeks, has been shown to be effective in reducing blood sugar levels (5%-30% reduction) and maintaining tighter control of blood sugar fluctuations.

Barberry Root
Barberry rootbark contains berberine, a bitter alkaloid, that aids in the secretion of bile and is good for liver problems, acts as a mild purgative, and helps regulate the digestive processes.

Beta Carotene
Beta carotene is a potent antioxidant, offering particular benefits to the immune system and the lungs. Note: synthetic beta carotene, made from acetylene gas is to be avoided.

Bifidobacteria (1) consume old fecal matter; (2) have the ability to remove cancer-forming elements, or the enzymes which lead to their formation; (3) protect against the formation of liver, colon, and mammary gland tumors.

Bifidobacteria (1) consume old fecal matter; (2) have the ability to remove cancer-forming elements, or the enzymes which lead to their formation; (3) protect against the formation of liver, colon, and mammary gland tumors.

Bilberry is known for its ability to help nourish and repair the tiny capillaries within the eye. In addition, the bilberry bioflavonoids are beneficial to the connective tissue that lines blood vessels and binds ligaments throughout the body.

Bioperine, a black pepper extract, serves the same purpose as cayenne serves in liquid tinctures. It drives the other ingredients into the blood and significantly improves their efficacy.

When taking high doses of alpha lipoic acid, it is important to also take biotin because alpha lipoic acid can compete with biotin and interfere with its activity in the body.

Black Peppercorns
The Chinese used pepper to treat malaria, cholera, dysentery, diarrhea and stomach complaints.

Black Walnut Hulls
Black Walnut Hulls are known to be useful in cleansing programs, especially in expelling parasites. It is said to have effectively killed more than 100 known parasites.

Dr. Andrew Weil has stated that Bloodroot preparations can be used as an effective alternative remedy in the treatment of skin cancers and moles.

Blueberry Leaf
The unique compounds in blueberry leaf help to simultaneously reduce glucose absorption the intestines, decrease glucose synthesis in the liver, and speed up the rate of glucose metabolism.

Bromelain is important as an anti-inflammatory enzyme useful in post traumatic responses and swelling and after surgery. It is also makes sense as part of an antiaging program as it reduces tissue irritation.

Burdock Root
Burdock root is probably the most famous detoxifying agent in the herbal arsenal. It cleanses the blood by increasing the effectiveness of all of the body?s elimination systems.

Calendula Oil
Calendula oil relieves pain, and is anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic.

Cape Aloe
Cape aloe is renowned for its remarkable benefits as an effective natural laxative and colon cleanser. In this capacity, it is probably the strongest of the colon stimulating herbs.

Famous for its expectorant action, cardamom is also used to treat various types of cough, conditions involving respiratory allergies, phlegmatic conditions and sore throat.

Cascara Sagrada
Cascara sagrada is noted for its laxative effect and is recognized as safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration.

Cat's Claw
Cat's Claw is used to treat asthma, inflammations of the urinary tract, to recover from childbirth, as a kidney cleanser, to cure deep wounds, for arthritis, rheumatism and bone pain, to control inflammation and gastric ulcers, and for cancer.

Glutathione perioxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase are the primary three enzymes produced in the body as an antioxidant defense. Catalase is a specific for protection against tumors.

Catalyst Altered Water
Catalyst altered water has been electrically altered by the addition of the micelle catalyst so tha its rigid tetrahedral structure breaks apart so that the water more easily carries nutrients into the cells, and waste out.

The potent, hot fruit of cayenne has been used as medicine for centuries. It is helpful for various conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, including constipation (by stimulating peristalsis), stomachaches, cramping pains, and gas.

Cellulase digests cellulose (fiber). It breaks the bonds found in fiber. By disrupting the structure of the fiber matrices or cell walls which envelop most of the nutrients in plants, it increases the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables.

Native Americans have used Chaparral for centuries as an anti-cancer remedy.

Activated willow charcoal does essentially the same thing in your intestinal tract that a charcoal block does in your water filter. It attracts and traps thousands of times its own weight in gases, toxins, food additives and other chemicals.

Chicory is an acclaimed liver protective and is used in hepatic enlargement, fever, vomiting and abdominal pain. It also stimulates the flow of bile and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Chlorella is a powerful detoxification aid for heavy metals and pesticides, including: hydrocarbon and metallic toxins such as mercury, cadmium and lead, DDT and PCB.

Fresh cilantro is extremely effective in helping flush heavy metals out of the blood. Taking 400 mg of cilantro a day can dramatically reduce the level of heavy metals (particularly mercury) in the body in just 2-3 weeks.

Cinnamon contains compounds called catechins, which help relieve nausea and make it beneficial when doing a liver detox. In addition, the plant's essential oil has been found to stimulate movement in the gastrointestinal tract.

The active ingredient in cloves is eugenol, which has long been known to kill bacteria and viruses. One other important note on cloves is that it is one of the few things known to actually destroy most parasite eggs.

Cordyceps has properties similar to those of ginseng and has been used to strengthen and rebuild the body after exhaustion or long-term illness. It has also been used traditionally for impotence, neurasthenia, and backache.

Fresh coriander (cilantro) is extremely effective in helping flush heavy metals out of the blood. Taking 400 mg of cilantro a day can dramatically reduce the level of heavy metals (particularly mercury) in the body in just 2-3 weeks.

Studies have shown that curcumin can inhibit colon cancer cells by some 96% in a matter of hours. It also appears to have great potential in countering the effects of prostate cancer and breast cancer.

by Terri Mitchell

Imagine a natural substance so smart it can tell the difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell; so powerful it can stop chemicals in their tracks; and so strong it can enable DNA to walk away from lethal doses of radiation virtually unscathed. Curcumin has powers against cancer so beneficial that drug companies are rushing to make drug versions. Curcumin is all this and more.

Curcuma longa is a ginger-like plant that grows in tropical regions. The roots contain a bright yellow substance (turmeric) that contains curcumin and other curcuminoids. Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries. But it's only within the past few years that the extraordinary actions of curcumin against cancer have been scientifically documented. Among its many benefits, curcumin has at least a dozen separate ways of interfering with cancer.

Curcumin blocks estrogen mimicking chemicals

Banned Pesticide
Could Be In Your Food

Chlordane is a pesticide composed of over 50 different chemicals. A chlorine chemical that mimics estrogen, chlordane was banned in the U.S. over 50 years ago. Nonetheless, it continued to be manufactured in the U.S. and shipped to Mexico where it was sprayed on food crops exported back to the U.S. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, almost every human on earth has chlordane in their fat. There is no way to get it out of the body. Losing weight simply concentrates the chemical in the remaining fat.

Besides being sprayed on America's corn, millions of tons of chlordane were put into the ground around house foundations to kill termites before it was banned. The half life of
chlordane in soil is 22 years (which means it doesn't degrade for at least 40 years). That means that if you plant a vegetable garden next to your house, you might end up with a big dose of chlordane on your dinner plate.

Researchers in Connecticut testing random samples of U.S. produce found chlordane in vegetables grown on soil that hadn't been treated with chlordane for 20 years. So they decided to do an experiment. They grew vegetables on soil previously treated with chlordane to see what would happen. The soil they used was under the lawn of their own institution that had been sprayed with chlordane in 1960 to see how well it worked.

In May, 2000, they published their findings in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (the journal of the American Chemical Society). All 12 vegetables they grew on soil sprayed decades earlier contained chlordane. Potatoes, carrots and beets absorbed chlordane systemically-it was in the flesh. Zucchini acted like a sponge for it. It also ended up in beans, eggplant, lettuce, dandelion and spinach.

After the findings were made public, the lead author, Dr. Mary Jane Incorvia Mattina was quoted as saying, "The main recommendation is to wash the foods you are going to eat, and not to plant near a house foundation that could have been treated with chlordane. If you take these precautions, you shouldn't have any cause for concern." When asked by us how one washes chlordane out of a vegetable, she admitted that it's impossible.

Mexico was still importing 45 tons of chlordane from the U.S. in 1997, when it instituted a program to gradually quit using the pesticide (it also plans to phase out DDT by the year 2007). The only official use of chlordane in Mexico (which grows vegetables for the U.S. market) is for killing termites in urban areas.

One of the things that sets curcumin apart from most other anti-cancer supplements (I3C being an exception), is that this phenolic can actually block chemicals from getting inside cells. Importantly, curcumin can interfere with pesticides that mimic estrogen. These include DDT and dioxin, two extremely toxic chemicals that contaminate America's water and food. (Dioxin is so toxic that a few ounces of it could wipe out the entire population of New York City). Curcumin has the unique ability to fit through a cellular doorway known as the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. This is a feat it shares with estrogen and estrogen-mimicking chemicals. Because it can compete for the same doorway, curcumin has the power to block access to the cell and protect against estrogen mimickers.

Like estrogen, estrogen-mimicking chemicals promote the growth of breast cancer. In a study on human breast cancer cells, curcumin reversed growth caused by 17b-estradiol by 98%. DDT's growth-enhancing effects on breast cancer were blocked about 75% by curcumin.

Two other estrogen mimickers were tested for their ability to enhance breast cancer. Chlordane and endosulfane together make breast cancer cells grow about as much as17b-estradiol. Curcumin can reverse that growth about 90%. Adding the soy phytochemical, genistein, causes a 100% growth arrest.

Curcumin's ability to block other chemicals have been documented. It has been tested against paraquat (weed killer), nitrosamines (in cooked meat and "lunch" meats) and carbon tetrachloride (a solvent in varnish and other products). In all cases, curcumin is able to block the chemical's effect. The beneficial effects are evident in a study where mice were treated with diethylnitrosamine. All mice treated with this chemical would usually develop liver cancer. However, when treated with curcumin, the percentage of animals developing cancer went from 100% to 38%, and the number of tumors dropped by 81%.

Drug companies rush to make synthetic versions

One of the hottest areas of oncology drug development is in the area of kinase inhibitors. Kinases are the equivalent of phone lines into cancer cells. There are over 2000 known protein kinases, or phone lines. These lines run from the outside of a cell into the DNA command center. They carry messages. Cut these lines, and you can effectively stop the growth of some types of cancer cells.

Curcumin effectively blocks some of the lines. In cells treated with curcumin, certain "grow" signals are blocked from reaching the cell.

The most well-studied growth factor blocked by curcumin is nuclear factor-k B. NF-kB is activated by chemical messengers known as cytokines. Cytokines help the immune system, but they also activate signals that tell cells to multiply, grow. By interfering with those signals, curcumin effectively stops the growth of cancer cells by kinase pathways. It has been demonstrated, for example, that curcumin can prevent the bug that causes ulcers (Helicobacter pylori) from causing cancer. H. pylori increases levels of a cytokine (IL-8) that activates NF-kB. Curcumin blocks the process.

Drug companies are rushing to patent chemicals that do what curcumin does-inhibit kinases. AstraZeneca has gotten one off the ground called "Iressa". Iressa inhibits protein kinase C (PKC), a kinase that plays a significant role in cancer. PKC transmits signals from the "epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor." Cutting off signal transmission through EGF significantly slows the growth of any cancer that uses this factor to grow-glioma, breast, prostate, skin and lung cancers.

Curcumin has long been known for its ability to prevent skin cancer. In 1993, researchers in Taiwan reported that curcumin inhibits PKC. The next year it was reported that curcumin blocks EGF signals up to 90% and stops growth.

It turns out that the structure of curcumin enables it to inhibit multiple kinases. This ability is shared with other phytochemicals including silymarin, apigenin and hypericin. While drug companies rush to try to recreate safe, patentable, chemical versions of this structure, curcumin sits ready and available for use. Blocking kinases, however, is only one of curcumin's anti-cancer effects.

Inflammation: Curcumin suppresses LOX and COX

Squamous cell carcinoma can affect the bronchial tubes, mouth or skin. When researchers at the University of Missouri treated oral squamous cell carcinoma cells with curcumin, it caused significant growth inhibition.

Curcumin is also notably effective against colon cancer. Inflammation appears to play a significant role in promoting this type of cancer. Curcumin has long been known for its anti-inflammatory action. More recently, it has been shown that curcumin inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX), two enzymes that promote inflammation. Inflammation is in the limelight these days because of the discovery that people who take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin, have stunning protection against colon cancer. Inflammation, it turns out, plays significant and diverse roles in the initiation and promotion of cancer. Oxidative stress helps activate PKC, for example. Part of curcumin's ability to block PKC signals is due to its powerful antioxidant activity.

Curcumin possesses several other anti-cancer benefits that make it useful for cancer prevention. One of its most recognized features is its antioxidant action. Turmeric is a spice that contains curcumin. It has traditionally been used as a food preservative for a good reason: it keeps food from going rancid-oxidizing. And just as it keeps oxygen from turning meat rancid, it protects our own bodies from damaging free radicals. Free radicals promote cancer by damaging DNA and activating genes.

Radiation damages DNA partially through free radicals. In a recent study, it was demonstrated that under laboratory conditions, curcumin could protect bacteria from a lethal dose of radiation almost perfectly. Bacterial DNA emerged virtually intact.

Curcumin kills cancer cells

Curcumin, Free Radicals and Methylation

Methylation of DNA is critical for maintaining a cancer-free state. More specifically, certain patterns of methylated and non-methylated DNA keep cancer genes turned off, and tumor suppressor genes turned on. Dr. Khing Lertratanangkoon has done research showing that chemicals which deplete glutathione in the liver, cause DNA methylation disruption. In other words, maintaining glutathione is important for maintaining DNA methylation.

Glutathione is the liver's natural antioxidant. Chemicals (which are all processed by the liver) deplete glutathione. Curcumin protects
glutathione in the presence of chemicals (including alcohol).

Dr. Lertratanangkoon has shown that a glutathione-depleting
chemical can disrupt DNA methylation. But if curcumin is given at the same time, both methylation and glutathione are maintained. Bottom line: curcumin may also save DNA methylation patterns, another anti-cancer benefit.

Curcumin can stop cancer in its earliest stages, long before it's detectable. It works at the level of the cell. One of the things it does is to tell damaged cells to self-destruct so they won't keep multiplying. The process is called "apoptosis" and it's the body's way of destroying abnormal cells that can become cancerous. Cancer cells can circumvent the process, but curcumin can override them and send "self-destruct" signals to many different types of cancer cells. Curcumin does not induce apoptosis of healthy cells, only cancerous ones. It identifies cancer cells by their abnormal chemistry. Unfortunately, it doesn't work in all types of cancer, but Indian researchers may have figured out why. Their findings, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, may lead to ways of making most types of cancer susceptible to curcumin's effects.

Before apoptosis is induced, curcumin stops cancer cells from multiplying. In cancer research, this is known as "interrupting the cell cycle." The cell cycle can be interrupted at several different points. This is the rationale behind using various chemotherapy treatments in one person. One drug stops the cells when they are in one stage of growth; another stops them at another stage. Using a variety of drugs that stop growth at different stages increases the chances of killing all the cancer cells. Curcumin arrests the growth of cancer cells in the G2 stage.

Other phytochemicals stop the cell cycle at other stages. Genistein, a soy phytochemical, arrests growth at G2, like curcumin. But epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) from green tea, arrests cancer cell growth at the G1 phase. Combining EGCG with curcumin increases the odds of killing more cells. Researchers at Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center have suggested that EGCG and curcumin be used together for cancer prevention.

Curcumin enhances immunity

Curcumin can also help the body fight off cancer should some cells escape apoptosis. When researchers looked at the lining of the intestine after ingestion of curcumin, they found that CD4+ T-helper and B type immune cells were greater in number. In addition to this localized immune stimulation, curcumin also enhances immunity in general. Researchers in India have documented increased antibodies and more immune action in mice given curcumin.

Curcumin stops angiogenesis

All of the above actions of curcumin stop cancer before it has a chance to become detectable. If cancer grows to the point that it is a detectable tumor, curcumin can still have an effect.

Certain enzymes enable tumors to create a blood supply for themselves. Known as "angiogenesis," this phenomenon allows tumors to invade surrounding tissue and spread. Working with blood vessels of the eye (where angiogenesis creates big problems for vision), researchers at Tufts University were able to inhibit blood vessel formation by using curcuminoids. Curcumin blocks AP-1, which enhances angiogenesis.

Curcumin may also inhibit angiogenesis by chelating metals used by enzymes that promote the growth of blood vessels. Some of the enzymes that promote angiogenesis are known as "metalloproteinases." Metalloproteinases require metals to work. Curcumin chelates iron and probably copper-both of which help metalloproteinases create new blood vessels for tumors. In a study on a highly invasive form of human liver cancer, curcumin inhibited metastasis 70% by suppressing metalloproteinase-9. Curcumin appears to be very protective against liver cancer. In a more recent study, the incidence of liver cancer was slashed 62%, with the number of tumors decreasing by 81% in mice given curcumin four days before a carcinogenic chemical.

Curcumin possesses several other anti-cancer benefits that make it highly effective as a cancer preventive agent against almost any type of cancer. One of its most talked-about features is its antioxidant action.

The cancer preventive effects of curcumin are powerful and proven. Curcumin interferes with the ability of estrogen-mimicking and other chemicals to do damage (a trait it shares with I3C). It is a powerful antioxidant that can alter gene expression, stop the cell cycle, and induce the self-destruction of cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. By blocking signals known as kinases, curcumin interrupts signals that enable cancer cells to grow. In addition, curcumin enhances immunity and blocks the invasion and metastases of tumors. Curcumin significantly reduces the risk of cancer after chemical exposure, and appears especially beneficial against colon and liver cancers. The actions of curcumin have been the subject of presentations at major meetings on cancer research, and the object of study by researchers at the most prestigious universities in the world. If curcumin were a drug, it would be hailed as one of the best all-around cancer drugs ever invented. As it is, it's a phytochemical with impeccable credentials, thousands of years of use behind it, and a very small price tag. No wonder a host of drug companies want to imitate it.

Note: There is still not a scientific consensus on how those with active cancer may best take advantage of the multiple potential benefits of curcumin. Most cancer patients have been taking 1800 to 3600 mg a day of curcumin. Life Extension has recommended that curcumin not be combined with the chemotherapy drug Camptosar (irinotecan) because of one animal study that indicated a possible adverse effect. Since curcumin has not been adequately tested with other chemotherapy drugs, it might be safe to wait until chemotherapy is completed before initiating curcumin. Cancer patients using curcumin may want to avoid high doses of "thiol" nutrients such as cysteine, lipoic acid, SAMe and glutathione because these nutrients might interfere with curcumin's PKC inhibiting effects in actively growing cancer. Since thiol compounds are critically important anti-aging nutrients, cancer patients may consider avoiding or reducing thiol nutrients for a three to six month period while consuming high doses of curcumin (along with soy, green tea extracts, I3C and other nutrients that have shown specific anti-cancer effects). A comprehensive report on suggested nutrient dosing schedules for cancer patients will be published in a future edition of this magazine

Damiana is reknowned for its sexual enhancing qualities and positive effect on the reproductive organs. The pharmacology of the plant suggests that its alkaloids could have testosterone-like actions.

Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is one of the great liver herbs. It is the best lipotropic known, flushing excess fat from the liver, thereby helping to relieve chronic liver congestion. In addition, it increases the production of bile.

DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide, is MSM?s big brother, works as a universal solvent. DMSO is legal, safe, and effective if you use diluted, medical grade DMSO in a proper manner.

Echinacea is a natural antibiotic, comparable to penicillin in effect) that can kill a broad range of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, which makes it invaluable in wound healing and the treatment of infectious diseases.

Eleutherococcus strengthens the adrenal and reproductive glands, enhances immune function, promotes lung functioning and stimulates the appetite. It is useful for bronchitis, circulatory problems, diabetes, infertility, lack of energy, and stress.

Emu Oil
Emu Oil is a natural emollient used by Aboriginal Australians for thousands of years for its remarkable healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Enzyme Activity Units
Two batches of the same enzyme of equal weight can have wildly different activity levels. comparing enzymes, if you want an apples to apples comparison, you need to compare activity levels.

Erva Tostão
South American tribes use erva tostão for all types of liver disorders (including jaundice and hepatitis), gallbladder pain and stones, urinary tract disorders, renal disorders and calculi, cystitis, and nephritis.
The roots of erva tostão have held an important place in herbal medicine in both Brazil and India for many years. G. L. Cruz, one of Brazil’s leading medical herbalists, reports erva tostão is “a plant medicine of great importance, extraordinarily beneficial in the treatment of liver disorders.” It is employed in Brazilian herbal medicine as a cholagogue and diuretic, for all types of liver disorders (including jaundice and hepatitis), gallbladder pain and stones, urinary tract disorders, renal disorders and calculi, cystitis, and nephritis. Erva tostão is called punarnava in India, where it has a long history of use by indigenous and tribal people and in Ayurvedic herbal medicine systems. There, the roots are employed as a diuretic, stomachic, laxative, and emmenagogue to treat gonorrhea, internal inflammation of all kinds, dropsy, jaundice, menstrual problems, anemia, and liver, gallbladder, and kidney disorders. Throughout the tropics erva tostão is considered an excellent natural remedy for guinea worms, a bothersome tropical parasite that lays its eggs underneath the skin of humans and livestock; the eggs later hatch into larvae or worms that eat the surrounding tissue. The roots of the plant are normally softened in boiling water and then mashed up and applied as a paste or poultice to the affected areas to kill the worms and express them from the skin.

Novel phytochemicals have been found in erva tostão, including flavonoids, steroids and alkaloids, many of which drive its documented biological activities. Several research groups studying various biological activities of erva tostão have indicated no toxicity of root and leaf extracts ingested by mice up to 5 g per kg of body weight. Others have indicated the maximum tolerated dosage of root extracts injected into mice to be approximately 1 g per kg of body weight. Yet another group of scientists studied the effects of erva tostão on pregnant rats and reported that it had no abortive effects and no embryotoxic or teratogenic (fetal change/birth defect) activity.

Erva tostão has long been used in traditional medicine systems as a diuretic for many types of kidney and urinary disorders. The diuretic action of erva tostão has been studied and validated by scientists in several studies. Researchers showed (in the mid-1950s) that low dosages (10 mg/kg to 300 mg/kg) produced strong diuretic effects, while higher dosages (>300 mg/kg) produced the opposite effect—reducing urine output. Later research verified these diuretic and antidiuretic properties, as well as the beneficial kidney and renal effects of erva tostão in animals and humans. Research indicates that a root extract can increase urine output by as much as 100% in a 24-hour period at dosages as low as 10 mg/kg of body weight. The worldwide use of erva tostão for various liver complaints and disorders was validated in three separate studies. These indicate that a root extract provides beneficial effects for the liver in animals, protecting the liver from numerous introduced toxins and repairing chemical-induced liver damage. In other clinical studies with animals, erva tostão extracts demonstrated smooth muscle and skeletal muscle stimulant activities in frogs and guinea pigs; anti-inflammatory actions in rats; hypotensive actions in dogs as well as in vitro hypotensive actions; antispasmodic actions in frogs and guinea pigs; analgesic activities in mice; antiamoebic actions in rats; and hemostatic, antihemorrhaging and anti-fibrinolytic properties in monkeys with IUDs. The traditional use of erva tostão for convulsions was verified by scientists in two studies, demonstrating that a root extract provided anticonvulsant actions in mice. In vitro testing of erva tostão confirmed its antibacterial properties against gonorrhea (another traditional use), and Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Salmonella and Staphylococcus. It was also shown to possess antiviral actions against several viral plant pathogens.

Many of these animal studies help to explain erva tostão’s long history of different uses in natural medicine. Clearly it has played an important role in the herbal practitioner’s medicine chest of natural remedies. It is an effective natural remedy for the liver and kidneys that is deserving of much more attention and use here in the United States.

Traditional Remedy: For a general liver tonic; one cup of a whole herb decoction once daily or 1–2 ml of a 4:1 tincture twice daily. See Traditional Herbal Remedies Preparation Methods page if necessary for definitions.

Contraindications: Both in vivo and in vitro studies have demonstrated the hypotensive properties of erva tostão. Those with heart problems such as low blood pressure, or those taking medications to lower their blood pressure should not use this plant without the advice and supervision of a qualified health care practitioner.

This herb has demonstrated myocardial depressant activity and should therefore not be taken by anyone with heart failure or those taking heart depressant medications unless under the direction and care of a qualified health care practitioner.

Drug Interactions: May interfere with prescription diuretics.
May potentiate alpha-adrenergic medications.
May potentiate cardiac depressant medications.
Erva tostão has been documented in one study to have angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition action. Therefore, this plant may potentiate ACE inhibitor drugs for high blood pressure.
In one study, a dosage of 500 mg/kg intragastrically in mice inhibited barbiturates and decreased sleeping time. Therefore the use of this plant may decrease the effect of barbiturates.

Fennel Seed
Fennel is a carminative herb that helps reduce colic, gas, indigestion, intestinal disorders, assimilation, nausea, and flatulence. It also can help break up kidney stones and uric acid in the tissues and is therefore used in treating gout.

Fenugreek Seed
Decreases the glycemic incidence of food (In studies, the unique galactomannan ratio of galactose and mannose in fenugreek reduced urinary sugar levels of participants by as much as 54%)

Flax Seed
Flax is one of the highest sources of fiber known. It is also extremely high in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.

Clinical studies have shown that supplementation with FOS can increase the number of friendly bacteria in the colon while simultaneously reducing the population of harmful bacteria.

Clinical studies have shown that supplementation with FOS can increase the number of friendly bacteria in the colon while simultaneously reducing the population of harmful bacteria.

Garlic is one of the best infection fighters available for both bacterial and viral infections. One of its many ingredients, allicin, is a natural antibiotic that does not appear to create resistant bacteria strains.

Gentian Root
Gentian is a bitter digestive tonic that supports liver and gallbladder function and that stimulates the flow of digestive juices and bile.

Ginger has strong anti-viral properties. It helps control nausea, and ginger is also a strong COX 2 inhibitor, thus helping to relieve inflammation and pain in the body.

Gingko Biloba
Gingko increases brain function, which makes it useful in helping to improve concentration and memory. This makes it a specific for Alzheimer's, In addition, gingko oxygenates the blood, increases circulation, and strengthens blood vessels.

Both the Asian and American forms of ginseng enhance libido and copulatory performance. In addition, it enhances energy, vitality, mood, and well-being.

Glucoamylase terminates in the release of glucose from the hydrolysis of starch. However, glucoamylase hydrolyzes terminal linkages whereas amylase breaks interior bonds

Goldenseal is a cure-all type of herb that strengthens the immune system, acts as an antibiotic, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, makes insulin more effective, and cleanses vital organs.

Grapefruit juice
But, it's worth considering what grapefruit juice actually does with medications. The prime medications that it interacts with are terfenadine based antihistimines, lovistan based cholesterol lowering drugs, and some blood pressure medications. In each case, what grapefruit juice does is it amplifies the effect of the drug (and keeps it in the blood longer). Now, when you're talking about drugs with serious side effects, that's a dangerous problem

Grape Seed Extract
Above all else, grape seed extract is known as a defender of the circulatory system. It improves peripheral circulation, revives declining capillary activity by up to 140%, increases vascular response by some 82%, and helps repair varicose veins.

Grape Skin Extract
Resveratrol has been shown to reduce skin-cancer tumors by up to 98% and to stop production of leukemia cells. In addition, it works as a Cox inhibitor, thus halting the spread of cancer throughout the body.

Great Salt Lake Trace Minerals
The best, most balanced, concentrated source of essential elements for our bodies is seawater. And the purest, most concentrated seawater in the world comes from the Great Salt Lake. (Note: 99.5% of the sodium has been removed)

Green Barley
Probably the superfood with the most documented benefits, green barley has antioxidant properties, including the unique and powerful antioxidants: lutonarin and saponarin.

Green Kamut
Kamut is generally regarded as the least allergy-inducing wheat on the market. It provides a good supply of enzymes and chlorophyll, along with vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Green Tea
Green tea works to prevent tumors from developing the blood vessels they need to survive. It has been shown to inhibit metastasis. And it is the first known natural inhibitor of cancer cell "immortality."

Unlike coffee which is harsh, quick acting, short lasting, and can increase headaches, water weight gain, and exhaustion; the energy boost from guarana is: gentle, slow acting, long lasting, no headaches, provides stamina, endurance, and energy.

Habanero works as a stimulant that quickens and excites the body. It also energizes the body (helping it to marshal its defenses against invading viruses). In addition, habanero helps to carry blood to all parts of the body.

Hemicellulase breaks down hemicellulose. Bottom line: hemicellulase helps break down fiber components in the intestinal tract.

Horsetail possesses hemolytic (blood clotting) and antibiotic activity, properties that contribute to the healing process. Horsetail also supplies calcium and several other minerals that the body uses to rebuild injured tissue

Invertase works to break down sucrose products like refined table sugar into glucose and fructose. Supplemental Invertase enzymes can increase the assimilation and utilization of this sugar.

Ionic merely means that the minerals are broken down to their absolutely smallest form

Juniper Berries
Juniper is a prime herb for eliminating congestion of the kidneys and for removing waste products from the system via the kidneys.

Kola Nut
Kola nut is a stimulant in its own right, but also serves to "drive" other herbs into the blood. In addition, kola nut helps increase oxygen levels in the blood.

Picrorhiza has been shown to protect liver cells from the many degenerative changes that would normally be caused by a variety of liver toxins. It appears to be particularly useful in treating both alcoholic liver damage and chronic viral hepatitis.
Kutkins are group of pharmacologically active compounds present in Picrorhiza kurroa Royle (Scrophulariaceae). Picrorhiza kurroa is traditionally known as kutki and has intense bitter taste. In Ayurveda Picrorhiza kurroa is a reputed remedy for the treatment of liver diseases. The chemical composition of the Picrorhiza has been studied and active constituents are group of iridoid glycosides known as picrosides and kutkosides. The mechanism of action of kutkins appears to the same as that of silymarin (active constituent and hepatoprotective constituent of Silybum marianum). Studies have shown that kutkins are more potent than silymarin as far as hepatoprotective activity is concerned
L. Acidophilus
L. acidophilus resides primarily in the small intestine and produces a number of powerful antimicrobial compounds in the gut (including acidolin, acidolphilin, lactocidin, and bacteriocin).

L. Plantarum
L. plantarum has the ability to eliminate thousands of species of pathogenic bacteria. It favors colonizing the same areas of the intestinal tract that E. coli prefers; in effect, serving to crowd E. coli out of the body.

L. rhamnosus
L. rhamnosus is a powerful immune stimulator. It can increase the natural killing activity of spleen cells,boosts the ability of the body to destroy foreign invaders by 3 times, and increases circulating antibody levels by 6-8 times.

L. salivarius
L salivarius helps digest foods in the intestinal tract and makes vital nutrients more assimilable. It also works to eat away encrusted fecal matter throughout the entire colon.

Lactase digests milk sugar. Lactase deficiency is the most common and well-known form of carbohydrate intolerance.

Larrea Divaricata
Native Americans have used Chaparral for centuries as an anti-cancer remedy.

Licorice Root
Licorice root stimulates the production of digestive fluids and bile, soothes ulcers, helps reduce intestinal inflammation, and supports the healthy function of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Its action in soothing ulcers is unique.

Limonene Oil
pH balanced limonene oil is extracted from orange peels, then double buffered with calcium to optimize its pH. Because of its dense electromagnetic field, pH balanced limonene is one of nature?s most potent natural solvents -- and pain relievers.

Lipase contributes to carbohydrate and fat digestive action. When added to a meal as a supplement, lipase digests dietary fat, relieving the gallbladder, liver and the pancreas, which would otherwise need to produce the required enzymes.

In addition to being a specific for the prevention of macular degeneration (lowering the risk by over 50%), lutein has also been shown to have strong anti-cancer properties.

Lycopene appears to be one of the best defenses against prostate cancer and bladder cancer. When used in conjunction with vitamin E and green tea extract, studies indicate that it inhibits prostate cancer proliferation by some 90%.
Lycopene is an open-chain unsaturated carotenoid that imparts red colour to tomatoes, guava, rosehip, watermelon and pink grapefruit.

Lycopene is a proven antioxidant. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which may damage the body's cells.

Research shows that lycopene in tomatoes can be absorbed more efficiently by the body if processed into juice, sauce, paste and ketchup. The chemical form of lycopene found in tomatoes is converted by the temperature changes involved in processing to make it more easily absorbed by the body.

In the body, lycopene is deposited in the liver, lungs, prostate gland, colon and skin. Its concentration in body tissues tends to be higher than all other carotenoids.

Regular high consumption of fruits and vegetables is recommended as part of healthy eating. Epidemiological studies have shown that high intake of lycopene-containing vegetables is inversely associated with the incidence of certain types of cancer. For example, habitual intake of tomato products has been inversely associated with the risk of cancer of the digestive tract among Italians. li>In one six-year study by Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, the diets of more than 47,000 men were studied. Of 46 fruits and vegetables evaluated, only the tomato products (which contain large quantities of lycopene) showed a measurable relationship to reduce prostate cancer risk. As consumption of tomato products increased, levels of lycopene in the blood increased, and the risk for prostate cancer decreased. The study also showed that the heat processing of tomatoes and tomato products increases lycopene's bioavailability.

Ongoing preliminary research suggests that lycopene is associated with reduced risk of macular degenerative disease, serum lipid oxidation and cancers of the lung, bladder, cervix and skin.

Studies are underway to investigate other potential benefits of lycopene - including the H.J. Heinz Company sponsored research at the University of Toronto and at the American Health Foundation. These studies will focus on lycopene's possible role in the fight against cancers of the digestive tract, breast and prostate cancer.

REF.: Stahl, W. and Sies, H. lycopene: a biologically important carotenoid for humans? Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 336: 1-9, 1996
Gerster, H. The potential role of lycopene for human health. J. Amer. Coll. Nutr. 16: 109-126, 1997

Malic Acid
Malic acid is the most potent aluminum detoxifier known. It is especially effective at decreasing aluminum toxicity in the brain.

Malt Diastase
Malt diastase, or maltase, digests complex and simple sugars. Maltase also breaks down unused glycogen in muscle tissue.If stored glycogen continues to build up in the muscle tissues, it leads to progressive muscle weakness and degeneration.

Malt diastase, or maltase, digests complex and simple sugars. Maltase also breaks down unused glycogen in muscle tissue.If stored glycogen continues to build up in the muscle tissues, it leads to progressive muscle weakness and degeneration.

Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow helps relieve inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal, and of the urinary and respiratory organs. Marshmallow's mucilage content helps soothe inflamed tissues -- not only in the intestinal tract, but also in the lungs.

Menthol, which comes from peppermint, is recognized for its pain relief capabilities. Menthol increases blood circulation and cools painful afflicted areas.

An essential sulfur amino acid, methionine is a powerful antioxidant and liver detoxifier -- where it assists in the normal detoxification processes. As an antioxidant, it provides powerful protection in the colon.


MSM, also called "organic sulfur," is widely used around the world for relief of pain from arthritis, back pain or muscle pain. MSM is a close relative of DMSO.

Milk Thistle
Milk thistle protects the liver against virtually all types of damage: from accidental exposure to chemical pollutants, toxic side effects of medications, liver diseases like hepatitis and even the overindulgence of rich food and alcohol.

Mistletoe's use for treating cancer is so widespread in central Europe that it actually is estimated as many as 60 to 70 percent of cancer patients incorporate it into their therapy.

Mistletoe, or Viscum album is a semi-parasitic plant that grows on oaks and other trees in Europe and Asia. Mistletoe is also found in America and Korea, but normally only the European species is used in the treatment of cancer, inflammatory conditions and AIDS. The leaves, twigs, and berries are what is used to make these herbal medicines. Because the medicinal doses are small (it can be poisonous in large doses), many believe it to be "homeopathic," but it isn't.

Mistletoe was first proposed for the treatment of cancer in 1920 by Rudolph Steiner, an Austrian Swiss physician who founded the Society for Cancer Research to promote mistletoe extracts and anthroposophical medicine.

Mistletoe extracts are marketed under several trade names, such as Iscador, Helixor, Eurixor, and Isorel, most of which are available in Europe. Weleda AG manufactures Iscador., which consists of fermented extracts of mistletoe, sometimes combined with trace amounts of silver, copper or mercury. In the United States, any of these extracts must be prescribed by a physician. However, most doctors in the US do not use it. Though mistletoe is not commonly used in the United States, it is allowed by compassionate use. Physicians in the United States can order Iscador directly from European manufacturers. Oral/liquid mistletoe can be ordered by your physician by contacting Weleda AG through or by calling 800-241-1030.

Some of the alternative physicians that use it include: San Diego Clinic and Stella Maris in Mexico, Dr. Jesse Stoff in Arizona, Atkins Center in NY, Lukas Clinic in Switzerland, Joseph Brenner, M.D. in Tel-Aviv, Klinik St George and Hufeland Clinic in Germany, and Humlegaarden in Denmark. If you are aware of any clinical trials using mistletoe or any other clinics using it, please email our webmaster to add this information to our website.

For a list of clinical trials using mistletoe, go to:

Mistletoe preparations are used to stimulate the immune system, to kill cancer cells, and to help reduce tumor size. It may also help improve the quality of life and survival of some cancer patients, especially those using chemo and radiation, and may help reduce pain and side effects of these treatments. In addition, a German study done by Dr. Ronald Grossarth-Maticek of the Institute for Preventive Medicine in Heidelberg shows that, when used as adjunctive treatment in patients with a variety of cancers, it can increase survival time by as much as 40%.

Typical Treatment:

A typical treatment course can last several months to years. The doses are gradually increased and adjusted depending on the patient's general condition, sex, age, and type of cancer. Mistletoe is typically given by subcutaneous injection, but it sometimes is injected directly into the tumor particularly on the liver, esophagus and cervix. It may also be taken orally in tumors of the brain and spinal cord.

What studies show:

In animal studies, mistletoe preparations have helped fight some forms of cancer. The best results with Iscador are claimed for its use with solid tumors both before and after surgery and radiation. Given 10 to 14 days before surgery, it is thought to help prevent metastatic spread due to surgery and to promote recovery and it is also used for advanced stage, inoperable solid tumors, especially cancers of the bladder, stomach, intestine, genital organs, and skin. It is also claimed that bone metastases are retarded in some cases. Results appear less promising for inoperable cancers of the breast, lungs and esophagus. It is thought that tumor growth slows or stops, and then gradual regression begins. It is believed that tumor cells are transformed first to a semi-malignant form, then to chronic inflammation and finally to normal tissue.

Mistletoe contains a cytotoxic lectin, viscumin. It also contains a number of cytotoxic proteins and polypetides (viscotoxins). Various lectins are both cytotoxic and immunostimulatory. It induces tumor necrosis, increases natural killer cell activity, increases production of interleukins 1 and 6; activates macrophages; induces programmed cell death (apoptosis), and protects DNA in normal cells during chemotherapy.

Side effects and possible risks:
Commercial mistletoe extracts generally have minimal side effects, but in rare cases allergic symptoms including anaphylactic reactions have been reported. It usually produces an increase in body temperature and flu-like symptoms. In addition, the injection site can become inflamed and abdominal pain with nausea may occur. Other side effects include: upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, fever, headaches, chest pain, and low blood pressure. Overdoses, however, can cause severe poisoning including seizures, coma and death. Even a few leaves or berries can cause poisoning, so never eat part of a mistletoe plant and keep the plants away from animals and children. In addition, because the preparation contains tyramine, patients on any type of monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor antidepressant should not take it. The combination can cause dangerously high blood pressure. People with heart problems should also be careful, since it raises blood pressure and accelerates the pulse. Therapy is normally discontinued in case of high temperature over 38ºC. Some research indicates Iscador injections should not be administered during the first days of the menstrual period. Seizures and death have been reported. This product should only be used in a closely supervised setting, and should not be used for normal consumption - reasons mistletoe products must be prescribed by a physician.

Montmorillonite Clay
Montmorillonite clay is one of the most effective natural intestinal detoxifying agents known capable of absorbing up to 40 times its weight in fecal matter. It is also capable of absorbing a wide variety of toxins in the intestinal tract.

MSM, also called "organic sulfur," is widely used around the world for relief of pain from arthritis, back pain or muscle pain. MSM is a close relative of DMSO.

Mulungu is an excellent sedative to calm agitation, nervous coughs and other nervous system problems including insomnia. When taken with a stimulant such as caffeine or guarana, mulungu has the effect of "smoothing out" the stimulant.

Muria Puama
In a French study among 262 male patients who experienced lack of sexual desire and the inability to attain or maintain an erection, 62% reported that the extract of muira puama had a dynamic effect, and 51% felt it was beneficial.


NAC can substantially raise the body's glutathione levels. In addition, NAC supplementation is mandatory for all smokers and big-city dwellers as it protects against toxic aldehydes that enter the body through cigarette smoke and pollution.

NAC can substantially raise the body's glutathione levels. In addition, NAC supplementation is mandatory for all smokers and big-city dwellers as it protects against toxic aldehydes that enter the body through cigarette smoke and pollution.

Nattokinase enhances the body's natural ability to fight blood clots in several different ways. First, it dissolves fibrin directly. Second, it enhances the body's production of clot-dissolving agents, including plasmin and urokinase.

Whereas saw palmetto protects against prostate enlargement caused by DHT, nettle root is required to inhibit the proliferation of prostate cells in response to estrogen and SHBG.

Oat Grass
Oat grass nourishes and strengthens the nervous system, and has been shown to be helpful for arthritis, rheumatism, stress, depression, exhaustion, tremors, epilepsy, nervous headache, nervous stomach, cholesterol, herpes, and menopause.

Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins
Above all else, grape seed extract is known as a defender of the circulatory system. It improves peripheral circulation, revives declining capillary activity by up to 140%, increases vascular response by some 82%, and helps repair varicose veins.

Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract is effective in eliminating a very broad range of organisms, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and yeast/mold/fungus.

Olive Oil
Olive oil has demonstrated strong anti-inflammatory effects in a number of major studies. It has been used as a base in liniments and salves for centuries, and it enhances and promotes skin healing and aids in damaged tissue repair.

Everything that's been said about garlic can be said about onion. Onions and garlic share many of the same powerful sulfur bearing compounds that work so effectively as anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents.

Above all else, grape seed extract is known as a defender of the circulatory system. It improves peripheral circulation, revives declining capillary activity by up to 140%, increases vascular response by some 82%, and helps repair varicose veins.

Orange Peel
Orange peel is high in bioflavonoids and delivers relief from occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomach. In addition, orange peel also has diuretic properties.

Oregon Grape Root
Oregon grape root is frequently used by herbalists as a blood cleanser and to stimulate the liver and gall bladder. In addition, Oregon grape root isused as a mild laxative.

Papain possesses a very powerful digestive action superior to pepsin and pancreatin. Changes in intestinal alkalinity or acidity do not interfere with the unique digestive activity of papain.

Parsley Root
restores digestion, supports the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands, purifies blood and body fluids, helps the body?s defensive mechanisms and chokes negative bacteria. It is a great immune booster.

Pau d'arco
Pau d'arco improves immune function, detoxifies, and reduces pain throughout the body, especially in the joints. It contains a natural antibacterial agent, has a healing effect on the entire body, cleanses the blood, and kills viruses.

Periwinkle contains two anticancer alkaloids - vincristine and vinblastine - that inhibit the growth of tumors. Vincristine is most effective in treating childhood leukemia. Vinblastine is used in treating testicular cancer and Hodgkin's disease .

Pfaffia Paniculata
Consistent use of Suma may help combat fatigue (including treatment of chronic fatigue and low energy conditions), prevent colds and flus, speed healing, regulate blood sugar, and stimulate the sex drive.

Picrorhiza Kurooa
Picrorhiza has been shown to protect liver cells from the many degenerative changes that would normally be caused by a variety of liver toxins. It appears to be particularly useful in treating both alcoholic liver damage and chronic viral hepatitis.

L. plantarum has the ability to eliminate thousands of species of pathogenic bacteria. It favors colonizing the same areas of the intestinal tract that E. coli prefers; in effect, serving to crowd E. coli out of the body.

Poke Root
Pokeroot and Yellow dock root are both powerful blood cleansers and lymph cleansers, inciting and increasing the action of lymph glands throughout the entire body.

Protease enzymes digests protein. Taking protease enzymes with meals spares the natural pool of protease enzymes circulating in the blood so that they can continue to breakdown and destroy unwanted fungi, bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream.

Psyllium seeds and their husks have long been used to ease constipation and digestive system upset. A number of studies suggest that psyllium may also be effective in lowering cholesterol, promoting weight loss, and aiding numerous other conditions.

A prime role of quercetin is to protect the integrity of cell walls from free radical damage. In addition, quercetin prevents the release of histamines into the bloodstream, thereby helping to control food and pollen allergies.

Like habanero, radishes work as a stimulant that quickens and excites the body. They also energize the body (helping it to marshal its defenses against invading viruses). In addition, they help to carry blood to all parts of the body.

Red Clover
Red clover is best know as one of the prime herbs for treating cancer -- anywhere in the body -- and is found as a central ingredient in many anticancer formulas, including the Hoxsey formula, Jason Winter?s tea, and Essiac tea.

Resveratrol has been shown to reduce skin-cancer tumors by up to 98% and to stop production of leukemia cells. In addition, it works as a Cox inhibitor, thus halting the spread of cancer throughout the body.

L. rhamnosus is a powerful immune stimulator. It can increase the natural killing activity of spleen cells,boosts the ability of the body to destroy foreign invaders by 3 times, and increases circulating antibody levels by 6-8 times.

Rice Bran
Stabilized rice bran is one of the world's great superfoods. It's high in fiber, obviously, but also high in protein and is

Rutin is a flavonol, a subclass of the bioflavonoids. Rutin's main benefits are that it helps strengthen capillaries and is particularly useful for those who bruise or bleed easily.

L salivarius helps digest foods in the intestinal tract and makes vital nutrients more assimilable. It also works to eat away encrusted fecal matter throughout the entire colon.

Sarsaparilla helps in the treatment of congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, PMS, urinary problems, impotence, hives, infertility, nervous system disorders, swelling and discomfort from rheumatism and arthritis.

Saw Palmetto
In addition to helping free up bound testosterone, saw palmetto helps inhibit the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, which is instrumental in the growth of prostate tissue, it exerts an anti-inflammatory effect on prostate tissue.

Seaprose-S is an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing pain and swelling in the body. It also cleans up arterial plaque, digests dead tissue, blood clots, and scar tissue, dissolves fibroid cysts, and loosens and expels mucous.

Low levels of selenium have been connected to heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and in fact cancer of all kinds. Some studies have shown that selenium may be 50-100 times more powerful than any other anti-carcinogen known.

Senna is widely accepted as a stool softener and a short-term treatment for constipation. Senna leaf is approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) for short-term use in occasional constipation.

Sheep Sorrel
Sheep sorrel was found to be responsible for the destruction of cancer cells in the body and their amalgamation where metastasized cancer cells may actually return to the original tumor site.

Siberian Ginseng
Siberian ginseng strengthens the adrenal and reproductive glands, enhances immune function, promotes lung functioning and stimulates the appetite. It is useful for bronchitis, circulatory problems, diabetes, infertility, lack of energy, and stress.

Slippery Elm Bark
Slipper elm works with the body to draw out impurities and toxins, assisting with the healing of all body parts. And slippery elm's coating action soothes the irritated tissues of the intestines, colon, urinary tract, and stomach ulcers.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) works along with glutathione to neutralize reactive oxygen molecules in the body. SOD specifically targets the superoxide radical, which attacks cell mitochondria.

St. John's Wort
St. John's wort helps relive nerve-related pain such as sciatica, and neuralgia. In addition, St. John's wort also helps with arthritis, and rheumatic pains.

Stabilized Rice Bran

Stabilized rice bran is one of the world's great superfoods. It's high in fiber, obviously, but also high in protein and is one of the premier sources of antioxidants.

Stevia seems to correct both high and low blood sugar. It also appears to lower blood pressure, but does not seem to affect normal blood pressure.

Streptococcus thermophilus

The high level of lactase enzyme activity of Streptococcus thermophilus makes it the most effective probiotic for improving lactose digestion in the intestinal tract.

Consistent use of Suma may help combat fatigue (including treatment of chronic fatigue and low energy conditions), prevent colds and flus, speed healing, regulate blood sugar, and stimulate the sex drive.

Superoxide Dismutase
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) works along with glutathione to neutralize reactive oxygen molecules in the body. SOD specifically targets the superoxide radical, which attacks cell mitochondria.

Terminalia Cherbula
Terminalia cherbula is used to relieve constipation, treat digestive diseases, urinary diseases, diabetes, skin diseases, parasitic infections, heart diseases, irregular fevers, flatulence, ulcers, vomiting, colic pain, and hemorrhoids.

The high level of lactase enzyme activity of Streptococcus thermophilus makes it the most effective probiotic for improving lactose digestion in the intestinal tract.

Tocotrienols can reduce cholesterol, reverse arteriosclerosis, protect against heart injury, inhibit blood platlet aggregation, suppress cancer and tumors, work as a sugar antioxidant, inhibit the appearance of aging, and lower blood pressure.

Uncaria Tomentosa
Uncaria tomentosa is used to treat asthma, inflammations of the urinary tract, to recover from childbirth, as a kidney cleanser, to cure deep wounds, for arthritis, rheumatism and bone pain, to control inflammation and gastric ulcers, and for cancer.

Urtica Dioica
Whereas saw palmetto protects against prostate enlargement caused by DHT, nettle root is required to inhibit the proliferation of prostate cells in response to estrogen and SHBG.

Uva Ursi
Uva ursi contains a compound called arbutin which has the ability to drain excess water from cells, promoting an antiseptic effect on the kidneys. In the urinary tract, it works as an antiseptic.

Wheatgrass has been called one of nature's finest medicines. It contains chlorophyll, enzymes, vitamins and nutrients that are essential for a healthy body. The benefits of wheatgrass are enormous.

Wild Oats
Wild oats can increase free testosterone levels an astounding 105% on average by unbinding it from albumin in the body.

Willow Charcoal
Activated willow charcoal does essentially the same thing in your intestinal tract that a charcoal block does in your water filter. It attracts and traps thousands of times its own weight in gases, toxins, food additives and other chemicals.

Wintergreen not only helps carry other herbal oils through the skin, it is also effective in relieving arthritis pain, joint stiffness, muscle spasms, and inflammation.

Wormwood can counteract fevers, regulate the liver and treat anemia and arthritis. It is taken as a bitter tonic and given to eliminate intestinal worms -- from whence it gets its name.

Yellow Dock Root
Pokeroot and Yellow dock root are both powerful blood cleansers and lymph cleansers, inciting and increasing the action of lymph glands throughout the entire body.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are both part of a group of carotenoids known as xanthophylls, which are extremely beneficial to the eyes and help significantly in the prevention of macular degeneration.