
Garlic can play a big role in curing the problem of Ascites. Add one-half teaspoon of fresh garlic juice to 125 ml of water and consume it two times per day. This garlic juice treated water should be consumed for 2-3 weeks for best result by the Ascites patients on a regular basis.

* Regular consumption of bitter melon (bitter gourd) root juice can provide prompt recovery of the complications imposed by Ascites. Take 25 ml at least three times per day in dilute condition.

* Punarnava has been found to be especially effective against Ascites. Pound the dried roots of punarnava to make a powder. Take 1 teaspoon twice daily with lukewarm water.

* The juice of fresh radish leaves has been found to be very beneficial in the controlling the intensity of Ascites. Mix the juice of radish leaves with water.

* Fenugreek seeds are another herbal remedy. Soak several fenugreek seeds overnight in a cup of water and then drink the water in the morning on an empty stomach..

* Carrot juice and buttermilk can play a vital role in restoring energy in the body while not adding to the accumulated fluid levels.

* A decoction of apocynum, also known as apocandle, has had outstanding results for Ascites when the urine is scanty and high-colored and the bowels are constipated. Put 15 to 30 drops in four ounces of water and take one teaspoon every hour. If the kidney and bowels do not respond, administer 30 to 60 drops every three or four hours. Should there still be no response, add some ground apocynum root to the decoction and begin slowly to avoid possible nausea.

* Polytrichum Juniperum used as a diuretic infusion is one of the better Ascites remedies. As should be the case with all infusions unless otherwise directed, take one to two teaspoons of dried herb (or two to four teaspoons of fresh herb), place in a cup of hot water for approximately ten minutes and then strain.

* Aralia Hispida is another valuable diuretic. The best results are obtained from giving as an infusion every two or three hours.

* Apis is a good remedy when there is a smarting or burning sensation during urination.

* Chimaphila is another good vegetable diuretic, and, like the remedies already mentioned, should be used as an infusion.

* Strophanthus frequently out-performs other remedies for Ascites. Use thirty drops to a half glass of water and take a teaspoonful every hour.

* When the body fails to respond to other suggested remedies for Ascites, relief may be found from the compound powder of jalap and the bitartrate of potassium, in dram doses every three, four, or five hours, until there are two, three, or four copious stools within a 24 hour period.

People with Ascites should avoid consumption of excessive water. In case of abnormal thirst, drink small amount of milk (raw organic goats milk is the healthiest option) at room temperature in small sips.

Note: Successful treatment of Ascites should include a professional diagnosis and then treatment of the cause of the Ascites (preferably naturopathic treatment once the diagnosis has been completed).

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